THE ARCHIVE FILES > Archive-2022 > 15. A trip to Frome-03 & 04.03.22 > 2. Journey home-04.03.22
The journey home from Frome to Northampton was pretty straightforward with all trains running on time. This time, the cheapest option that was calculated using split ticketing was via London rather than the other four routes that are possible. Now, I just have one of these four to undertake so let's hope that I need to visit my mum and her partner again soon!
The journey home from Frome to Northampton was pretty straightforward with all trains running on time. This time, the cheapest option that was calculated using split ticketing was via London rather than the other four routes that are possible. Now, I just have one of these four to undertake so let's hope that I need to visit my mum and her partner again soon!
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Images 1-10 of 10 displayed.