21. Half term in Derbyshire-23 & 24.10.79

THE ARCHIVE FILES > Archive-1979 > 21. Half term in Derbyshire-23 & 24.10.79
Later on, during the half-term week, we visited my uncle and aunts who lived in Duffield just north of Derby. They lived on Castle Hill that was very near to the station. Whilst my family went for a walk in the Peak District, I took the opportunity to visit the mecca that was Toton depot and could not quite believe the size of the place and the incredible number of locomotives, many of rare and exotic classes that I did not spot very often. This visit was the subject of an article in issue 253 of Traction magazine.
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Images 1-18 of 18 displayed.

40069, up empty merry-go-round, Duffield A6 road bridge 
 As I was walking down Castle Hill in Duffield to get the train to Derby, I heard the unmistakable 'whistling' of a 40. A dash to the A6 road bridge enabled this grab shot of 40069 on an up train of empty coal hoppers. Notice the southern portal of the 855 yards long Milford Tunnel that cuts through one of a number of gritstone outcrops in this area in the background. 
 Keywords: 40069 up empty merry-go-round, Duffield A6 road bridge
56026, down empty merry-go-round, Duffield A6 road bridge 
 As 40069 headed round the corner, 56026 appeared from the south with another train of MGR wagons no doubt heading off to some local coal mine before the Conservative Government allowed Ian MacGregor to close it down. Duffield's sawmill, located just north of the station, can be seen in the distance on the right, it has no been replaced by the somewhat inevitable housing estate. 56026 was one of the last members of the class to be built by Electroputere in Craiova, Romania. It was just over two years old when this picture was taken and survived in service until July 1996 giving it a working life of a mere nineteen years. 
 Keywords: 56026 empty merry-go-round Duffield A6 road bridge
1. 56051, fueling point,Toton MPD 
 On arrival at Toton depot, I took my chance and approached the main office to request access. I was not hopeful but delighted to be afforded access and was issued with one of the 'official' orange tabard. I was given a brief health and safety talk about staying off the running lines and to keep to the official walking routes, and was allowed on my way! I went straight to the fuelling point. Here, 56051 is being attended to prior to its next turn. 56051 was one of the BREL Doncaster built engines and was still relatively new at this time. 
 Keywords: 1. 56051 fueling point Toton MPD
2. 56050, stabled, Toton MPD 
 In 1979, I was using Kodachrome 64 film in my Zenith EM camera. With the slow speed of this film, taking pictures in low light was a constant challenge so pictures inside the depot were virtually impossible without a tripod or flash; I had neither. This was unfortunate as I encountered lines of locomotives that were all worthy of a picture. So, I had to content myself with this picture of 56050 and 25101 sitting just inside one of the roads. This 56 had been in traffic exactly a year when this photograph was taken. 
 Keywords: 56050 stabled Toton MPD
20143 & 20141, LEs, Toton Yard 
 Back at the entrance to Toton depot, 20141 and 20143 arrive light engine from the south. After a brief pause, they reversed along the line in the immediate foreground in order to get access into the depot. They went straight to the fuelling point. It cannot be seen clearly from the picture, but these two 20s were still in their BR green livery. In the background, 08292 goes about its business whilst 37123 has just arrived in the yard with 37134. 
 Keywords: 20143 20141, LEs, Toton Yard
56058, coming off-shed, Toton Yard 
 By the side of the entrance road to Toton depot was a small flat-roofed building that I climbed on to. This provided me with a superb vantage point where I spent some time taking pictures. 56058 comes off the depot ready for its next job. Prominent in the background to the left is the famous 'Toton bank'. This fabled spot is still accessed today by many photographers providing an impressive vista of the depot and roads. 
 Keywords: 56058 off-shed Toton Yard
40003, down PW train, Toton Yard 
 40003 arrives at Toton yard from the south. It is seen heading a PW train. After briefly pausing, it then continued off north up the Erwash Valley route. Two days later it was noted at Healey Mills. Introduced in September 1958 as D203, 40003 survived for another three years after this picture was taken when it donated a bogie to 40057. 
 Keywords: 40003 down PW train Toton Yard
44004, down freight, Toton Yard 
 I had been at Toton for some time now, and having seen no class 44s I was getting concerned. By late 1979, there were only three left in service so my chances were limited. This was all about to change as 44004 (ex D4, Great Gable) arrived with a down freight that included some delightfully antiquated wagons. With a characteristic plume of exhaust from its Sulzer engine, it gets underway off to the north yard. 
 Keywords: 44004 down freight Toton Yard
44004, going on shed, Toton Yard 
 Having deposited its train in Toton North Yard, 44004 returns to go to the fuelling point. It awaits access into the depot under the A52 road bridge. Notice the impressive dent on its nose cone, I wonder what caused that? It has been reported that on 19.09.79, 44004 was hauling the 08.55 Bescot to Toton freight when it derailed between Pleck Junction & Walsall, the locomotive and two wagons came off the rails, so this dent could have been inflicted then, it was only two months previous to this picture being taken. 
 Keywords: 44004 going on shed Toton Yard
44004 & 45068, going off shed, Toton Yard 
 Having been refuelled, 44004 heads back out to rejoin its freight from earlier. Notice the spot on its body side where the 'Great Gable' nameplate was attached. This particular Lakeland mountain has always been an important one to me as it was the first major peak that I climbed with my mum and dad when I was five years old! 45068 waits patiently behind 44004 to perform a similar move once the Peak has exited the depot. The signal with a describer of some kind is just in front of the access road into the depot that crosses the line to my immediate left. There were no lights or crossing gates but I suppose common sense prevailed with staff using their eyes before driving over the track! 
 Keywords: 44004 45068 Toton Yard
Stapleford & Sandiacre signal box (BR, 1949) 
 Stapleford and Sandiacre signal box controlled the northern end of the yard and access into the depot. It was of rather utilitarian construction built by British Railways in 1949. As can be seen, it still retained its LM enamel plates. The box closed in October 2009, having given 60 years' of service, and was demolished in 2011. 
 Keywords: Stapleford & Sandiacre signal box
44007, down freight, Toton Yard 
 Whilst I was up on the bank, at the southern end by the old wagon works sidings, 44007 (ex D7 'Ingleborough') rolled into the yard from the south with a short mixed freight of what looked to be vacuum-braked engineering wagons. I was a little miffed that I was high up on the bank and so far from the train, so thought that I would make do with this side on and very distant photograph. However, it does show the land behind the train that was once covered with yet more sidings, today the same view is very different, see..... https://www.ontheupfast.com/p/21936chg/29595735604/x17-60008-60075-60004-stored-toton 
 Keywords: 44007 freight Toton Yard
44007 & 44008, down freight workings, Toton Yard 
 As I was disappointed that there appeared to be only one of the remaining class 44s about on this day, I took a walk up to the famous bank to take in the vista of the yard. Then, of course, the two remaining members of the class appeared at once! First, 44007 (ex D7, 'Ingleborough') arrived from the south on a PW working. Then, horror of horrors, celebrity 44008 (ex D8, 'Penyghent') arrived light engine from the north. They both stopped side by side right next to my previous location, the hut near the entrance, and there I was high up on the bank, a fifteen-minute walk away......ahh. the joys of our hobby! Just a note regarding this particular photograph, this was one removed from the reject box as it was chronically underexposed. However, with very careful use of Photoshop, I have managed to get it to a presentable level. I revisited this spot in 2020, over forty years on from when I took this photograph, and took a similar angled imag,e but not so zoomed, the comparison is interesting, see.... https://www.ontheupfast.com/p/21936chg/29595737604/class-60s-stored-toton-yard-60067 
 Keywords: 44007 44008 freight workings Toton Yard
44007, down freight, Toton Yard 
 After I saw the two class 44s from the lofty height of the Toton bank, I dashed as quickly as I could back to the A52 bridge and got there just as 44007 was pulling away with its PW train. I grabbed a shot in the gathering gloom. 44007 (ex D7 'Ingleborough') survived, along with all the remaining three Class 44s, in-service for just over a year until 30.11.80 when all were withdrawn. As it was still serviceable, 44007 undertook its final journey under its own power to Derby works, where it was broken up within a year. 47355 is seen held at a signal awaiting access to the depot and fueling point. It will draw forward and then reverse into the depot on one of the lines curving off to the right. 
 Keywords: 44007 freight Toton Yard
44008 & 47347, fueling point, Toton MPD 
 By the time I had reached the depot again from my visit to the bank, 44008 had disappeared and I was not at all sure where it had gone so I gambled on it being refuelled. I donned my orange tabard again and went in search. Lo and behold, I found it at the fuelling point in the company of 47347. 44008 received its smart white roof, stripes and tyres earlier in 1979. It was administered by the staff at Toton and became a firm favourite with enthusiasts and organisers of open days alike. Notice the well turned out driver complete with BR issue cap, about to climb into the cab of the Peak. 
 Keywords: 44008 47347 fueling point Toton MPD
44008 & 47355, fueling point, Toton MPD 
 44008 (ex D8 'Penyghent') is on the fueling point at Toton MPD with 47355. With its one-off livery, it was instantly recognisable and is one of two 44s that have been preserved, the other being 44004. At the time of writing, 44008 is at Peak Rail in Derbyshire undergoing an extensive restoration, see.... https://www.ontheupfast.com/v/photos/21936chg/25743504804/d8-rowsley-depot 
 Keywords: 44008 47355 fueling point Toton MPD
44008, LE, leaving Toton MPD 
 As quickly as it arrived for refuelling, 44008 left the depot again heading off north light engine. Note the additional details such as the red buffer beam and its home depot's name carefully written in white to match its other non-standard adornments. Also, notice that the driver has omitted to extinguish the red tail light in his haste to leave the depot! 
 Keywords: 44008 Toton MPD
45036, unidentified down working, Duffield Station 
 On arrival back at Duffield, having taken the train from Derby on a rickety Swindon built class 120 DMU, I turned my camera round to capture 45036 on an unidentified down working. It looks as if its steam heating boiler is working well but I am not too sure how much heat is being transferred to the stock! At this time, the tracks had been reduced from four to two, meaning that just the central island platform was in use. Notice the spire of Duffield's parish church of St Alkmund’s in the murk behind. This church is unusual in that it is quite a way out of the village of Duffield, meaning parishioners have a fair walk there and back on Sunday mornings! 
 Keywords: 45036 down working Duffield Station

Images 1-18 of 18 displayed.