1. The North Norfolkman Dining Train-27.10.13

THE ARCHIVE FILES > Archive-2013 > 60. Holiday in Norfolk-26.10-02.11.13 > 1. The North Norfolkman Dining Train-27.10.13
On the first day of our week's holiday in Norfolk my wife, son and I booked to go on the North Norfolk Railway's dining train. We had two return trips from Sheringham to Holt enjoying a lovely three-course meal in convivial surroundings and hauled by a fine steam locomotive; what could be better!
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8572, Weybourne-Sheringham LE working, Weybourne station 
 Framed by Sandy Hill Lane overbridge 8572 waits to leave Weybourne 'wrong line' having been prepared for its day's work in the yard at the other end of the station. It will work tender-first light engine to Sheringham station. Once again, I must wax lyrical about the quality of the superb autumn light! 
 Keywords: 8572 Weybourne-Sheringham Light engine working, Weybourne station LNER B12
M51192 & M56352, 09.45 Sheringham-Holt, Weybourne station 
 One of the resident North Norfolk Railway DMU pairings of M51192 and M56352 leave Weybourne station working the first passenger service of the day. The Class 101 DMU is working the 09.45 Sheringham to Holt that will soon be stopping at Kelling Heath station where I suspect that there will be few if any passengers for this early day service. 
 Keywords: M51192 M56352 09.45 Sheringham-Holt Weybourne station first generation DMU Class 101
45337 & 1231, shunting, Weybourne Yard 
 The view from the platform end at Weybourne station reveals Black 5 45337 being shunted around the yard by long-time resident (since 1982!) Class 11 shunter 1231. The Black 5 was visiting the North Norfolk Railway for the season so I suspect that it will soon be on its way back to its home base at the Llangollen Railway. 
 Keywords: 45337 1231 shunting Weybourne Yard Black 5
8572, 10.30 Sheringham-Holt & D5631, stabled, Weybourne station 
 LNER B12 8572 makes a fine sight as it arrives at Weyborune station working the 10.30 Sheringham to Holt service. Bringing a train into the station from the east is quite tricky as it requires a short burst of steam, as can be seen in the photograph, for the few hundred yards into the platform as the gradient rises quite sharply after a short decent just before the yard. Added to this is that the driver arrives blind into the platform due to the curve of the track. To the left is another locomotive synonymous with the railways of East Anglia, A1A A1A Type 3 (Class 31) D5631. 
 Keywords: 8572 10.30 Sheringham-Holt D5631 stabled, Weybourne station LNER B12
47367 & D5631, stabled, Weybourne Yard 
 Standing in Weybourne Yard on a superb autumn morning 47367 and D5631 (formally 31207) sit stabled awaiting their next turn of duty. Notice the superb GE somersault signal pulled off for the next Holt to Sheringham DMU service. 
 Keywords: NNR North Norfolk Railway 47367 D5631 Weybourne Yard
M56352 & M51192, 10.30 Holt-Sheringham, Weybourne station 
 Under glorious autumn skies, one of the North Norfolk Railway's resident Class 101 DMU sets leaves Weybourne station. M56352 is leading M51192 working the 10.30 Holt to Sheringham service, the first up service of the day. In the down platform, the rear of the 10.30 Sheringham to Holt steam-hauled service waits for the right away. 
 Keywords: M56352 M51192, 10.30 Holt-Sheringham, Weybourne station Class 101 first generation DMU
8572, 11.15 Holt-Sheringham, Sheringham station 
 LNER B12 8572 arrives at Sheringham tender first leading the 11.15 service from Holt. Usually, this service would arrive on the other platform but today this train will have some coaches added as it will form, along with the normal coaches already in use the North Norfolkman Dining Train. 
 Keywords: 8572 11.15 Holt-Sheringham Sheringham station LNER B12
D3940, shunting the dining coaches, Sheringham station 
 One of the NNR's shunters D3940 carefully eases the dining train portion of stock into Sheringham station. This stock will be added to the remaining steam-hauled services of the day as these will be titled as the North Norfolkman Dining Train. My wife, son and I travelled on this enjoying a smashing dinner and great views all to a steam locomotive soundtrack! 
 Keywords: D3940 shunting the dining coaches Sheringham station Class 08 Gronk
D3940, cab side details, Sheringham station 
 Very often unnoticed and unloved, the shunters are the real workhorses of most heritage lines. They move stock and locomotives around to enable the headline train services to operate and thus to keep the money rolling in! Built at Derby in 1960 D3940 (later to become 08772 under TOPS) was one of nine hundred and ninety sis Class 08s built up until 1962 making it by far the most numerous class constructed. It is seen at Sheringham station having just brought some dining train stock into the station. 
 Keywords: D3940 cab side details Sheringham station Class 08 shunter Gronk
D3950, setting back, 8572, running round, Sheringham station 
 With Class 08 shunter D3950 having done its job adding the dining coaches to the stock of the next service out of Sheringham it sets back to be then put back into a siding to the left. Meanwhile, LNER B12 8572 runs round the stock of the 12.00 departure to Holt that has now become the North Norfolkman Dining Train. 
 Keywords: D3950 setting back 8572 running round Sheringham station LNER B12 Class 08 Gronk
8572, running round, Holt station 
 Having arrived at Holt, the western terminus of the North Norfolk Railway, LNER B12 8572 has detached from the 12.00 Dining Train from Sheringham and runs round. It is reversing back towards the station from the point where the NNR hopes to extend its railway onwards taking it much closer to the popular tourist village of Holt. However, knowing how these ambitions often go, I suspect that this will not happen for many years if at all! 
 Keywords: 8572 running round Holt station
8572, running round, Holt station 
 B12 8572 runs round its train at Holt station. It will rejoin the front of the stock and then work tender first back to Sheringham as the second leg of the North Norfokman Dining Train that will leave Hlt at 12.45. 
 Keywords: 8572 running round Holt station LNER B12
8572, running round for the 12.45 Holt-Sheringham, the 'North Norfolkman' dining train, Holt station 
 Having completed its run round move at Holt station, LNER B12 8572 gingerly sts forward towards the stock of what will become the 12.45 departure back to Sheringham. This service doubles as the North Norforkman Dining Train with the dining coaches now at the rear of the train. My wife, son and I travelled on this train making two return journeys along the North Norfolk Railway enjoying a lovely Sunday lunch. 
 Keywords: 8572 12.45 Holt-Sheringham the 'North Norfolkman' dining train Holt station LNER B12
8572, running round, Sheringham station 
 Having completed its services hauling the Dining Train 8572 runs round at Sheringham station. It will soon head back to Weybourne light engine to be serviced ready for service next day. 
 Keywords: 8572 running round Sheringham station LNER b12
Ticket & NNR guide information, The North Norfolkman 
 The 'ticket' for our trip on the North Norfolkman Dining Train. It is special experiences like this that are popular with visitors and is something that acts as a strong financial stream for heritage lines. The team of staff that attended to our dining needs were professional serving a four-course whilst on the move between Sheringham and Holt. 
 Keywords: Ticket NNR guide information The North Norfolkman
Menu, The North Norfolkman 
 The menu from the North Norfolkman Dining Train that my wife, son and I enjoyed on this lovely autumn Sunday afternoon. It is pretty standard Sunday lunch fare but, as somebody with a special dietary requirement, I would describe the alternatives offered no better than as passable! 
 Keywords: Menu The North Norfolkman
Guide & Timetable, The North Norfolk Railway 2013 
 The North Norfolk Railway's guide and timetable for the 2013 season. Being October it is now very much towards the end of the season, however, being school half-term week the railway was operating the yellow timetable with a good mixture of steam and railcar services on offer to the travelling visitors. 
 Keywords: Guide Timetable The North Norfolk Railway 2013

Images 1-17 of 17 displayed.