Image 8572, running round, Holt station

8572, running round, Holt station
8572, running round, Holt station 
 B12 8572 runs round its train at Holt station. It will rejoin the front of the stock and then work tender first back to Sheringham as the second leg of the North Norfokman Dining Train that will leave Hlt at 12.45. 
 Keywords: 8572 running round Holt station LNER B12
8572, running round, Holt station 
 B12 8572 runs round its train at Holt station. It will rejoin the front of the stock and then work tender first back to Sheringham as the second leg of the North Norfokman Dining Train that will leave Hlt at 12.45. 
 Keywords: 8572 running round Holt station LNER B12

B12 8572 runs round its train at Holt station. It

will rejoin the front of the stock and then work tender first back to Sheringham as the second leg of the North Norfokman Dining Train that will leave Hlt at 12.45.