6. Taunton to Exeter-07.06.80

THE ARCHIVE FILES > Archive-1980 > 6. Taunton to Exeter-07.06.80
A day trip to Taunton and Exeter with Graham on a summer's day. As it was June the weather did not play ball with a mixture of sun and showers for the first part of the day. By the late afternoon and early evening it cleared up with some glorious lighting whilst we were at Exeter. Graham and I travelled in his orange Mini UAM736J that for once suffered no mishaps apart from some overheating whilst climbing the Blackdown Hills on the way home!
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Images 1-37 of 37 displayed.

50005, 08.30 London Paddington-Paignton (1B36), Taunton station 
 Despite the threatening looking clouds, the sun is actually just out, brightening up the scene here at Taunton station. 50005 'Collingwood' has just arrived with the 1B36 08.30 from Paddington to Paignton. When this photograph was taken, 50005 was twelve years old and beginning to look a little battle-weary but it still had another two years to go before entering Doncaster for its much-needed refurbishment. It was always recognisable at this time as it had the unofficial 05 painted on its blanked off headcode panel.

There is an audio recording of this event on my youtube channel, see..https://youtu.be/8GwJXSDd4zE 
 Keywords: 50005 08.30 London Paddington-Paignton 1B36 Taunton station Collingwood
Taunton West signal box (GW, 1931) 
 The grand Taunton West signal box is seen from the platform end of the station with the down main home signal in front. The post holding the home also had a distant arm, hence its odd positioning slightly lower down the post than it ought to be. The Great Western Type 11 box was opened in 1931 when the station area was completely re-modelled in the constant drive to improve speed and timings. Any picture taken from this spot reveals cars parked on the appropriately named Railway Street in the background. On this particular Saturday, there was a white Hillman Hunter with a vinyl roof and a Mk.III 'Coke Bottle' Cortina. 
 Keywords: Taunton West signal box
Taunton West signal box (GW, 1931) & signalling 
 Under a dramatic sky is the veritable feast that is the signalling to the west of Taunton station! On the platform end is the three doll bracket carrying the down home arms at different heights indicating their relative importance. Beyond the box, in the distance, is the amazing gantry housing the inner homes and down starters. The track layout and signalling dates from the early 1930s when the GWR was making strenuous efforts to improve timings for their fast express trains to the West of England, raising line speeds through bottleneck stations such as Taunton. The box and semaphores stayed in use for another six years from when this photograph was taken, being unceremoniously wiped away in May 1986. Notice my Ferguson 3286 radio cassette recorder on the platform to the extreme left. As it transpired, this was to be its last trip out as it was about to be replaced by a new Sony TC525 cassette recorder that I had been frantically saving for over a number of months. 
 Keywords: Taunton West signal box signalling
50031, 10.05 Paignton-London Paddington, Taunton station 
 The menacing clouds in the previous photograph have done their worst and deposited some torrential rain over a relatively brief period. 50031 'Hood' takes the up through road through Taunton station leading the 10.05 Paignton to Paddington service. Unfortunately, the train was going a little too fast for the maximum shutter speed that I could muster on the camera so there is a little motion blur. Notice the GUV tucked in just behind the locomotive that was common practice on summer express services from the West Country. 
 Keywords: 50031 10.05 Paignton-London Paddington Taunton station Hood
47182, 08.58 Derby-Newquay (1V70), Silk Mill crossing 
 In the 1970s and 80s a train heading west on a summer Saturday, composed of a long rake of Mk.Is was either a relief for a Paignton or a Newquay service. The latter is the case here as 47182 leads the 08.58 Derby to Newquay 1V70 service past Silk Mill crossing just west of Taunton. This view is still possible today but access to the land in the foreground is strictly not allowed due to it being part of the huge Fairwater Yard PW facility. The wartime huts to the left are long gone with the land now occupied by the Bindon Road business park. 
 Keywords: 47182 08.58 Derby-Newquay 1V70 Silk Mill crossing
50041, unidentified up working, Silk Mill crossing 
 50041 'Bulwark' is at full speed as it passes Silk Mill's home bracket signal with the busy level crossing and signal box just behind me and over my right shoulder. I have not been able to identify this working but the amazing RailGenArchive (sic) website has 50041 working the 1A77 09.00 Penzance to Paddington service and the time it was seen (early lunchtime) at Silk Mill would be about right for this train. The loco is seen looking a little rough in its original livery and yet to be refurbished. A year after its refurbishment it came to grief in the throat of Paddington station in November 1983 after derailing unceremoniously, sliding on its side, later going on to be repaired and returning to service in January 1985. 
 Keywords: 50041 unidentified up working Silk Mill crossing Bulwark
Silk Mill Crossing signal box (GW, 1940) 
 Built in 1940 during wartime expansion of Fairwater Yard, Silk Mill Crossing signal box is seen in some welcome summer sunshine. It is a 'new' Type 12b box with a hipped roof and two thirds two over two glazed windows. It closed on 21.03.87 when Exeter panel took over control of all the signalling in the Taunton area. Whilst the box still has its cast plate, the locking room windows have been bricked up, which was common practice to improve the working environment for the signalman, helping guard against cold winter drafts. While I was here, the shift change took place and Smithy came on duty, whom I spent some time with last year in Cogload box, see...... https://www.ontheupfast.com/p/21936chg/26681567604/smithy-cogload-signal-box 
 Keywords: Silk Mill Crossing signal box
50032, 11.20 Paignton-London Paddington (1A71), Silk Mill crossing 
 This was a transparency resurrected from the rejects' box that I decided to have a go at scanning and doing some work to. Not only was it badly exposed but also the composition was messy. However, I have included it as 50032 'Courageous' is one of my least photographed Class 50s. It is seen passing in front of the 1940 Silk Mill Crossing signal box leading the 11.20 Paignton to Paddington 1A71 service. 50032 was to go to Doncaster some six weeks after this photograph was taken, emerging back into traffic by the end of the year in its interim BR blue livery with a grey roof prior to receiving its large-logo decals some time later. 
 Keywords: 50032 11.20 Paignton-London Paddington 1A71 Silk Mill crossing Courageous
47055, 10.27 London Paddington-Paignton (1B56), Silk Mill 
 47055 accelerates past Fairwater Yard passing Silk Mill Crossing signal box's semaphores. It is leading the 10.27 Paddington to Paignton 1B56 service. This Class 47 is still on the mainline today as 57304 'Pride of Cheshire' owned and operated by DRS following its work for Virgin as a Thunderbird named 'Gordon Tracy'. I have a number of pictures taken locally of this locomotive. For example, see..... https://www.ontheupfast.com/p/21936chg/28642194804/x57304-british-gp-special-london 
 Keywords: 47055 10.27 London Paddington-Paignton 1B56 Silk Mill 57304 Pride of Cheshire Gordon Tracy Thunderbird
47148, 09.32 Penzance-Wolverhampton (1M39), Silk Mill crossing 
 47148 passes Silk Mill leading the 09.32 Penzance to Wolverhampton 1M39 summer Saturday service. This 47 was a West Country-based member of the class from the early 1970s until transferring to Tinsley in 1987 to then be promptly withdrawn and cut up two years later. This view is all but impossible now due to the huge bridge constructed to take traffic away from the Silk Mill level crossing. It passes just about over where I am standing to take this photograph. 
 Keywords: 47148 09.32 Penzance-Wolverhampton 1M39 Silk Mill crossing
50046, 11.50 London Paddington-Paignton, Wellington 
 50046 'Ajax' is working hard leading the 11.50 Paddington to Paignton summer express as it climbs towards Whiteball summit. It is about to pass under Wellington's B3187 Milverton Road bridge just south of the site of the former station. It is running adjacent to a disused siding leading towards the Reylon factory. I wonder if the siding was used in connection with Reylon's distribution needs in the past; local knowledge anybody? Reylon is still on this site today manufacturing high-quality hand made beds for those people with a little more money to spend! Unfortunately, 50046 is not with us today being cut up by MC Metals in Glasgow during June 1992. 
 Keywords: 50046 11.50 London Paddington-Paignton Wellington Ajax
46032, 10.00 Newquay-Sheffield (1E22), Wellington 
 46032 will be rattling over the pointwork at Wellington as it descends from Whiteball summit leading the 1E22 10.00 Newquay to Sheffield. To the left in this photograph is the former goods shed with the former station platforms (closed 05.10.64) still extant. On the former up platform is the superb signal box that still permitted access to the down station loop and controlled the crossover under the locomotive. The box was the block post between Silk Mill (east) and Whiteball (west) a relatively long section with the eastern section of Whiteball bank in between. 
 Keywords: 46032 10.00 Newquay-Sheffield 1E22 Wellington
Whiteball Signal Box (BR, c.1958) 
 When I visited this spot last summer during my West of England cycle tour I wild camped very close to this spot just behind the signal box but failed to take a photograph of it. This box was constructed in 1958 by British Railways following the previous one being destroyed by fire. This is a very remote spot high up in the Blackdown Hills with the duty signalmen having a fairly long walk along the trackside to the minor road south of this location. Notice the refuge siding ending at the western portal of the tunnel and the one hundred and seventy-four milepost measured from Paddington via the Brunel route through Bath, Chippenham, Swindon and Didcot. 
 Keywords: Whiteball Signal Box
50005, 13.20 Paignton-London Paddington, Whiteball 
 50005 'Collingwood' slogs up the western side of Whiteball bank leading the 13.20 Paignton to Paddington service. It is about to pass the home signal with the entrance to the down loop seen to the left. Standing in the quiet Devon countryside at this location, the approach of an up express could be heard from a fair way off due to them having to work hard ascending the bank. By the time they reached this spot, speed had dropped off significantly as they would then enter the tunnel behind where I am standing. 
 Keywords: 50005 13.20 Paignton-London Paddington Whiteball Collingwood
Former BTC sign, Whiteball 
 The former British Transport Commission (BTC) cast sign looks as though it has had a recent lick of paint despite the organisation having been abolished eighteen years previously. I suspect that the sign located on a farm occupation bridge near Whiteball is no longer in existence but I am happy to be advised otherwise. The BTC was created by Clement Attlee's post-war Labour government as a key tenet of its nationalisation policy and encompassed many organisations from the railways, the canals, road haulage and the police (by creating the BTP). This huge body was abolished in 1963 when the chair was the infamous Dr. Richard Beeching. 
 Keywords: Former BTC sign Whiteball British Transport Commission
47015, 09.35 Liverpool Lime Street-Paignton (1V48), Whiteball 
 Having surmounted the summit and passed through the tunnel, 47015 passes Whiteball leading the 1V48 09.35 Liverpool to Paignton service. The Class 47 would have taken over this train at Birmingham New Street with an AC electric having hauled the service to there from Liverpool. This lovely open view from a very quiet overbridge at Whiteball that reveals the down loop is all but impossible today with rampant tree growth having all but obliterated virtually everything seen here. 
 Keywords: 47015 09.35 Liverpool Lime Street-Paignton 1V48 Whiteball
Booking hall, Tiverton Junction station 
 The booking office at Tiverton Junction station is seen complete with a number of best-kept station competition certificates in the wall-mounted cabinet. The art deco style tiling probably dates from the pre-war era when the station was re-modelled to speed up timings to the West Country. The station closed on 12.05.86 with the opening of Tiverton Parkway station some three miles northeast. It took another five years until the station was demolished, but I suspect that this lovely GWR tiling and other fittings were not saved. 
 Keywords: Booking hall Tiverton Junction station
47508, 13.30 London Paddington-Paignton (1B84), Tiverton Junction station 
 47508 'Great Britain' passes Tiverton Junction leading the 13.30 Paddington to Paignton service. The station was a grand affair that once was a junction for the branches to Hemyock, Tiverton itself and Dulverton. It also had an oil depot seen in this photograph that was rail linked, but I never actually witnessed any trains accessing it. The huge grass bank in the background has the M5 motorway running along the top of it. 47508 was named the previous year at Old Oak Common and was renamed as part of the GWR 150 celebrations in 1985 becoming the similarly named 'SS Great Britain'. 
 Keywords: 47508 13.30 London Paddington-Paignton 1B84 Tiverton Junction station Great Britain
45054, 10.40 Manchester Piccadilly-Paignton (1V85), Tiverton Junction station 
 At last, the sun has come out again on this changeable summer Saturday! 45054 storms through Tiverton Junction leading the 1V85 10.40 Manchester to Paignton train composed of a long rake of Mk.I stock. Notice the unusual appearance of the station loop starter signal in the foreground having lost its finial. Also notice that I have ventured off the platform end and on to the timber barrow crossing to take this picture. This would have been in view of the signalman in the box on the station at the western end of the up platform; how things have changed! 
 Keywords: 45054 10.40 Manchester Piccadilly-Paignton 1V85 Tiverton Junction station
47111, 09.08 Newcastle-Paignton (1V87), Hele & Bradninch 
 47111 leads the 09.08 Newcastle to Paignton cross country service on the approach to Hele and Bradninch in Devon. The semaphores are controlled by the signal box a short distance from this spot at the level crossing. 47111 had a somewhat ignominious end being stripped and cut up at its home depot of Cardiff Canton after being badly damaged by a DMU striking it at Preston in January 1986. At least part of it lived on with the number one cab being wholly removed and sent to Crewe for re-use. 
 Keywords: 47111 09.08 Newcastle-Paignton 1V87 Hele & Bradninch
46046, 10.30 York-Newton Abbot Motorail (1V81), Hele & Bradninch (Courtesy of GGV) 
 A little-known and photographed Motorail service that operated in the summer months was the 1V81 10.30 (or thereabouts) York to Newton Abbot. In this photograph, kindly donated to me by Graham, the train is seen sweeping around the curve at Hele and Bradninch. Unfortunately, the Motorail flats, that are at the rear of the train, cannot be seen. 46046 looks very smart having been released from Derby works less than a month previously having had its last classified repair and a re-paint. It would stay in service for another four years, being one of the last of the class to be withdrawn in May 1984. 
 Keywords: 46046 10.30 York-Newton Abbot Motorail 1V81 Hele & Bradninch Peak Motorail
50030, 14.25 London Paddington-Plymouth (1B02), Hele & Bradninch 
 Unfortunately, a photograph marred somewhat by some motion blur caused by the camera's limitation by having a relatively slow maximum shutter speed of 1:500/sec. 50030 'Repulse' is seen charging down from Whiteball summit leading the 14.25 Paddington to Plymouth on the approach to Hele and Bradninch. At this time, Hele and Bradninch still had an up and down loop just north of the station as can be seen from the two extra signal arms, a pair of stand-alones (for the down) and the other as a doll on a bracket (for the up).

There is an audio recording of this event on my youtube channel, see..https://youtu.be/FBH9R3N8XNo 
 Keywords: 50030 14.25 London Paddington-Plymouth 1B02 Hele & Bradninch Repulse
50034, unidentified up working, Stoke Canon Crossing 
 This was another example of a photograph that was originally confined to the rejects' box back in 1980. However, on revisiting it and with new technology at my fingertips, I decided to have a go at resurrecting it. I actually really like the image, particularly the sky, that shows 50034 'Repulse' leading an unidentified up working. I can find no information as to what this service was, but being composed of a rake of Mk.1 stock I suspect that it was not heading for Paddington. If anybody can advise, I would appreciate some suggestions. The train is seen passing Stoke Canon, taken looking south-west from the level crossing. 
 Keywords: 50034 unidentified up working Stoke Canon Crossing Furious
31221, down parcels, Stoke Canon 
 31221 leads a down parcels working past Stoke Canon. I am not sure exactly what this service would have been, but judging by the white chits under the spring clips of each wagon it will have been a loaded train. The consist has the usual collection of mixed stock including some BR GUVs and Mk.I BG but of particular note is the number of ex-Southern four-wheel PMVs. 
 Keywords: 31221 down parcels Stoke Canon
Former GWR cast sign, Stoke Canon signal box 
 A superb former GWR cast sign attached to the brickwork of Stoke Canon signal box. The 1874 Bristol and Exeter Railway signal box, which had been retained to operate the level crossing, was not closed until 09.12.85 and still stands at this spot, but in a parlous state with the windows boarded up. Not unsurprisingly, the sign is not on the wall any more but using Google Street View reveals its former location given away by some different coloured bricks and, even more incredibly, that the November 1976 cement test strip is still on the wall of the box and intact indicating no movement of the structure during the intervening forty-five years! It really is time that the box is rescued before the inevitable occurs - be that of collapse or an arson attack. 
 Keywords: Former GWR cast sign Stoke Canon signal box
45076, 12.25 Manchester Piccadilly-Paignton, Stoke Canon 
 The first of two down Peak hauled trains passes Stoke Canon in the afternoon sunshine. 45076 leads the 12.25 Manchester to Paignton service no doubt carrying a number of holidaymakers from the north-west away for their week by the seaside. As well as a lovely week on the fabled English Riviera, the journey down by train was an important part of any holiday and what better way to travel than in a Mk.I coach hauled by one of Derby's finest! 
 Keywords: 45076 12.25 Manchester Piccadilly-Paignton Stoke Canon Peak
45057, unidentified down working, Stoke Canon 
 A few minutes after the previous train had passed, hauled by 45076, the barriers went down again at Stoke Canon level crossing. As Graham and I were a little behind schedule by now, we decided to wait and see what was coming as there was nothing showing in the national timetable, and as we were trapped the wrong side of the barriers we had to wait anyway! Yet another Peak in the form of 45057 with a similar rake of stock heads towards the South West but we have no idea what it was. Can anybody help, forty years on I wonder? Notice the wisp of exhaust from the locomotive as the driver opens up a bit after the long descent from Whiteball. 
 Keywords: 45057 unidentified down working Stoke Canon Peak
253020, 15.37 Penzance-London Paddington, Cowley Bridge Junction 
 In mid-1980 HSTs were still being introduced to the South West, taking over a number of the principal express services to and from Paddington, but things had not quite gone to plan with a number of teething problems blighting BR's much-heralded roll out of the Intercity 125 brand on this route. I must admit remembering disappointment when one passed at this time, as in all likelihood it would have been Class 50 hauled previously. However, in retrospect, I am pleased that I did not ignore their passing and took photographs of them in their classic and 'as introduced' livery. Here set 253020 accelerates away from its stop at Exeter passing Cowley Bridge Junction working the 15.37 Penzance to Paddington service. This power car would be one of either 43040 or 43041 that both carried on working trains to and from Paddington passing this spot too many times to mention until their withdrawal from service in 2019 after over forty years of operation; quite an incredible feat! 
 Keywords: 253020 15.37 Penzance-London Paddington Cowley Bridge Junction HST 43040 43041
Frontage, Exeter Central station 
 Located on Exeter's Queen Street (the name of the station until 1933), Central station looks more akin to a town hall. This attractive building dates from when the Southern Railway replaced the original building that had become too cramped and was damaged by fire in 1927. Notice the British Railways (Southern) large nameboard above the entrance. Today, the entrance road has become pedestrianised and the shops have changed with the estate agents to the left now a trendy bar and bistro. In the last year or so the rather grand copper-capped tower and weather vane have been removed, that really spoils the balance of the building. I sincerely hope that this is a temporary measure with only repair work needed - can anybody with local knowledge please advise? A few weeks after this photograph was taken, I revisited Central station to take a picture of the former Southern Railway green nameboard atop of the canopy, see.....https://www.ontheupfast.com/p/21936chg/29477847404/sr-sign-exeter-central-station 
 Keywords: Frontage Exeter Central station
Class 118 (set P481), 17.46 Exmouth-Exeter St. David's, Exeter Central station 
 An atmospheric photograph at Exeter Central station depicts a two-car Class 118 DMU leaving with the 17.46 Exmouth to Exeter St. David's service. The DMU was a long-term West Country resident, built by the Birmingham RC&W set P481 composed of W51327 and W51312. In the background, Exeter Central signal box is seen along with some of its associated semaphores. Notice the two BR staff chatting on the platform end rather than eagerly observing (obsessively even?) a departing train as a 'dispatcher' does today. 
 Keywords: Class 118 set P481 17.46 Exmouth-Exeter St. David's Exeter Central station W51327 W51312
50025, 15.10 London Waterloo-Exeter St. David's, Exeter Central Station 
 Exeter Central's station clock reveals that it is 19.35 as 50025 'Invincible' arrives at the station leading the 15.10 Waterloo to Exeter St. David's. This picture would have been more photographically 'correct' had I been standing on platform one at this time in the evening, but I actually like the effects created by the shadows of the train and the station structures. The large Victorian building in the background is HMP Exeter which is still in use today, being the principal prison for offenders in the West Country. 
 Keywords: 50025 15.10 London Waterloo-Exeter St. David's Exeter Central Station Invincible
50025, 15.10 London Waterloo-Exeter St. David's, Exeter Central station 
 With a cheery wave (or is it a gesticulation warning me to get off the platform ramp) from the driver of 50025 'Invincible' as he is about to get the 15.10 Waterloo to Exeter St. David's away from Exeter Central station. Notice the mixture of semaphore arm types in this view. The Great Western lower quadrant platform starter is pulled off whereas the centre road's home is a longer Southern Region upper quadrant - this is what happens when west meets south! 50025 was a relatively early withdrawal in August 1989, coming to an ignominious end after being derailed at West Ealing after hitting some waste track that had been placed on the railway by vandals. Thankfully there were no major injuries or deaths. 
 Keywords: 50025, 15.10 London Waterloo-Exeter St. David's, Exeter Central station Invincible
SR enamel on bench, Exeter Central station 
 An ex British Railways (Southern Region) enamel running-in sign on a bench at Exeter Central station. The general grime generated by a railway environment is seen on the bench as it basks in the summertime evening sunshine. It is general filth like this that people hark back to when the nationalisation debate is under discussion. 
 Keywords: SR enamel on bench Exeter Central station
50041, 16.25 London Paddington-Plymouth (1B14), Exeter St. David's station 
 I think that I was somewhat overcome by events on this superb summer evening at Exeter St. David's as the arrival of 50041 'Bulwark' excited me enough to take four images of it on the same train using slide film. The cost of this to me as a schoolboy would have been significant! The first photograph shows it entering the station, leading the 1B14 16.25 Paddington to Plymouth over Red Cow level crossing. Of interest is the way that the light has illuminated the view through the old goods shed beyond the signal box. Also, notice the crossing keeper standing confidently in the centre of the up line supervising proceedings and pedestrians already milling about to the side waiting to cross. My travelling companion, Graham, is seen on the end of the platform under the up starter bracket signal. 
 Keywords: 50041 16.25 London Paddington-Plymouth 1B14 Exeter St. David's station Bulwark.jpg
50025, ECS & 50041, 16.25 London Paddington-Plymouth (1B14), Exeter St. David's station 
 Photograph two of 50041 'Bulwark' but this time standing in the shade at Exeter St. David's next to its sister 50025 'Invincible'. Both the Class 50s are in their pre-refurbished states with the BR emblems on the cab sides as when first released into traffic back in the late 1960s. 50025 has just worked in from Waterloo and is now stabled on the centre road ready for its return journey the following morning. 50041 is waiting to leave with the 16.25 Paddington to Plymouth service. 
 Keywords: 50025 50041 16.25 London Paddington-Plymouth 1B14 Exeter St. David's station jpg
25057, unidentified working, 50025, ECS & 50041, 16.25 London Paddington-Plymouth (1B14), Exeter St. David's station 
 In cracking evening lighting at Exeter St. David's, photograph three of 50041 'Bulwark' shows it leaving with the 16.25 Paddington to Plymouth. Notice that I have had to walk completely off the platform and on to the wooden barrow crossing to take this photograph; can you imagine the rumpus that this would create today? In the shadows to the left of the departing train is 50025 'Invincible' stabled after working a Waterloo service. Finally, to the extreme left, 25057 is seen having just arrived with a train from Barnstaple. 
 Keywords: 25057 50025, ECS 50041 16.25 London Paddington-Plymouth 1B14 Exeter St. David's station Invicible Bulwark
50041, 16.25 London Paddington-Plymouth (1B14), Exeter St. David's station 
 The fourth and final photograph of 50041 'Bulwark' as it leaves Exeter St. David's for the West Country. As the locomotive, that is leading the 16.25 Paddington to Plymouth, gets smokily away, it is about to pass the large and smart-looking Exeter West signal box and the incredible up inner home bracket signals just beyond the bridge crossing the River Exe. As well as supporting the inner homes controlled by the West signal box, it has the Middle box's distants and just below them some permissive arms for the movement of empty stock workings back into the station. The photograph is a fitting end to a superb day out! 
 Keywords: 50041 16.25 London Paddington-Plymouth 1B14 Exeter St. David's station Bulwark

Images 1-37 of 37 displayed.