Image Former GWR cast sign, Stoke Canon signal box

Former GWR cast sign, Stoke Canon signal box
Former GWR cast sign, Stoke Canon signal box 
 A superb former GWR cast sign attached to the brickwork of Stoke Canon signal box. The 1874 Bristol and Exeter Railway signal box, which had been retained to operate the level crossing, was not closed until 09.12.85 and still stands at this spot, but in a parlous state with the windows boarded up. Not unsurprisingly, the sign is not on the wall any more but using Google Street View reveals its former location given away by some different coloured bricks and, even more incredibly, that the November 1976 cement test strip is still on the wall of the box and intact indicating no movement of the structure during the intervening forty-five years! It really is time that the box is rescued before the inevitable occurs - be that of collapse or an arson attack. 
 Keywords: Former GWR cast sign Stoke Canon signal box
Former GWR cast sign, Stoke Canon signal box 
 A superb former GWR cast sign attached to the brickwork of Stoke Canon signal box. The 1874 Bristol and Exeter Railway signal box, which had been retained to operate the level crossing, was not closed until 09.12.85 and still stands at this spot, but in a parlous state with the windows boarded up. Not unsurprisingly, the sign is not on the wall any more but using Google Street View reveals its former location given away by some different coloured bricks and, even more incredibly, that the November 1976 cement test strip is still on the wall of the box and intact indicating no movement of the structure during the intervening forty-five years! It really is time that the box is rescued before the inevitable occurs - be that of collapse or an arson attack. 
 Keywords: Former GWR cast sign Stoke Canon signal box

A superb former GWR cast sign attached to the brickwork

of Stoke Canon signal box. The 1874 Bristol and Exeter Railway signal box, which had been retained to operate the level crossing, was not closed until 09.12.85 and still stands at this spot, but in a parlous state with the windows boarded up. Not unsurprisingly, the sign is not on the wall any more but using Google Street View reveals its former location given away by some different coloured bricks and, even more incredibly, that the November 1976 cement test strip is still on the wall of the box and intact indicating no movement of the structure during the intervening forty-five years! It really is time that the box is rescued before the inevitable occurs - be that of collapse or an arson attack.