3. Trip to West Kirby-10.04.18

THE ARCHIVE FILES > Archive-2018 > 22. Trip to Liverpool-08-11.04.18 > 3. Trip to West Kirby-10.04.18
A thoroughly miserable day when we though it a good idea to go to West Kirby on the train and have a walk. That didn't happen as it was like winter when we got there so we promptly cam back again!
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507004, ME 12.21 West Kirby-West Kirby (2W24, RT), West Kirby station 
 We picked this train up at Liverpool central and took it to West Kirby. Basically, they spend the day doing this out and back route of the Wirral Line. 
 Keywords: 507004 2W24 West Kirby station
508130, stabled, West Kirby station 
 Waiting for it next duty, veteran 508130 waits in the rain at West Kirby station. This class 508 was built by BREL York in the late 1970s and has been in service on Merseyside ever since. By 2019, the new class 777 units are due to be introduced so these units will be withdrawn and scrapped. 
 Keywords: 50813 stabled West Kirby station
507011, ME 14.36 West Kirby-West Kirby (2W33, RT), West Kirby station 
 Having aborted our plans for a walk along the coast, we had a coffee in the smashing cafe at the station and caught this unit back to Liverpool Central. A waste of day really, but what can you do on the Wirral when it's a miserable day like this? 
 Keywords: 507011 2W33 West Kirby station
Tickets, Liverpool Central-West Kirby-Liverpool Central 
 Our return tickets for our out and back journey from Liverpool central to West Kirby.

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