21. The Cheshireman-15.03.25

THE ARCHIVE FILES > Archive-2025 > 21. The Cheshireman-15.03.25

On a bitterly cold March morning, that even saw a snow shower en route, I took a short drive from home to a spot just north of Wolverton to see The Cheshireman charter. Following this, my walk to get a warming coffee just so happened to coincide with a GWR Turbo unit leaving Wolverton Works; sometimes things do just work out!
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66540, 05.19 Basford Hall-London Gateway (4L32, 3E), Haversham SP818425 
 66540 leads the 05.19 Basford Hall to London Gateway over Haversham viaduct just north of Wolveton. It was a very cold morning with a brisk northeasterly wind bringing plenty of cloud in as can be seen here However, there were some breaks in the cloud allowing some welcome sunshine to come through. 
 Keywords: 66540 05.19 Basford Hall-London Gateway 4L32 Haversham SP818425 Freightliner
45212, outward leg of The Cheshireman, 06.52 London Euston-Chester (1Z71, 2E), Haversham SP818425 
 Whilst Balck 5 45212 is producing some exhaust, I thought that there may have been a little more given how cold it was on this particular morning! However, I think that 47848 was working reasonably hard on the rear and that this probably had something to do with this. Crossing Haversham viaduct near Wolverton, the Black 5 is seen leading The Cheshireman charter that left Euston at 06.52 heading for Chester running a 1Z71. 
 Keywords: 45212 The Cheshireman 06.52 London Euston-Chester 1Z71 Haversham SP818425 Black 5
45212 & 47848, outward leg of The Cheshireman, 06.52 London Euston-Chester (1Z71, 2E), Haversham SP818425 
 A wide-angle view of Haversham viaduct (although to some it is known locally as Wolverton viaduct) shows the outward Cheshireman charter heading north led by Black 5 45212. 47848 is seen on the rear of the train giving a fair amount of assistance hence the rather meagre exhaust from 45212 on this cold March morning. The fields in the foreground normally are the home to a number of ponies, but they have been absent for the winter due to persistent flooding of the River Great Ouse that is off to the left of the image, 
 Keywords: 45212 47848 The Cheshireman 06.52 London Euston-Chester 1Z71 Haversham SP818425 Black 5 Black 5 WCR West Coast Railway
165110, 09.42 Wolverton Centre Sidings-Reading Traincare Depot (5Q03, 21L), Electrolux entrance, McConnell Drive Wolverton 
 As I was walking across the bridge that spans the Wolverton access line on my way to Costa in Tesco I glanced over the parapet to see a GWR Turbo unit reversing into the headshunt preparing to leave the works. I figured that this would give me just enough time to dash to the Electrolux level crossing on McConnell Drive to get a better photograph than from the bridge. I got it just right with the unit creeping around the curve within a minute of getting to this spot. 165110 is leaving the works after receiving attention of some kind (obviously not of an external nature looking at its condition!). Once it has accessed the mainline it would then head to Reading's Traincare Depot as 5Q03 and hopefully ready for work with GWR again. 
 Keywords: 165110 09.42 Wolverton Centre Sidings-Reading Traincare Depot 5Q03 Electrolux entrance McConnell Drive Wolverton GWR Turbo
165110, 09.42 Wolverton Centre Sidings-Reading Traincare Depot (5Q03, 21L), Electrolux entrance, McConnell Drive Wolverton 
 With 165110 having successfully passed over a small private level crossing under the scrutiny of a couple of Gemini staff it is seen passing under a rather sad-looking loading gauge. It is leaving Wolverton Works and will form the 5Q03 09.42 to Reading Traincare Depot. Wolverton Works has been undertaking a fair amount of work in recent times, largely relating to the repair and upkeep of various second generation units as is the case here. Also, the Royal Train is maintained and stabled deep within the works complex when not is use by HRH. 
 Keywords: 165110 09.42 Wolverton Centre Sidings-Reading Traincare Depot 5Q03 Electrolux entrance McConnell Drive Wolverton. GWR Turbo
390157, VT 16.14 London Euston-Glasgow Central (1S82, 2L), site of Roade station 
 The lovely afternoon sunshine belies the fact that it was a very chilly afternoon following on from an equally cold morning that even saw a snow shower! Using the slow line, due to the closure of the Weedon 'old' lines all weekend, 390157 'Chad Varah' passes Roade working Avanti's 16.14 Euston to Glasgow Central. 
 Keywords: 390157 16.14 London Euston-Glasgow Central 1S82 site of Roade station AWC Pendolino Chad Varah
47746, 14.46 Southall WCR-Rugby CS (0Z71, RT), site of Roade station 
 The West Coast Railway's livery is pretty drab for most of the time, however, when the afternoon sunshine is low in the sky it looks a lot better! 47746 'Chris Fudge 29.7.70-22.6.10' looks smart as it passes Roade as the 0Z71 14.46 Southall WCR to Rugby Carriage Sidings light engine move. Time to head for home now and get out of the cold north easterly wind and get a warming cup of tea! 
 Keywords: 47746 14.46 Southall WCR-Rugby CS 0Z71 site of Roade station 'Chris Fudge 29.7.70-22.6.10'

Images 1-7 of 7 displayed.