17. The East Anglian 2-01.03.25

THE ARCHIVE FILES > Archive-2025 > 17. The East Anglian 2-01.03.25


A beautiful first day of March found Andy and me out on a frosty morning to capture the passage of the Class 40-hauled East Anglian 2 charter. We decided on a local spot that I rarely use but that needed a fair bit of joint pruning due to bramble and sapling growth; It's a good job that I reconnoitred  it two days previously!

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66571, 03.14 Garston-Felixstowe North (4L97, 2E), Gordon's Lodge 
 In perfect lighting, the 4L97 03.14 Garston to Felixstowe North Freightliner passes Gordon's Lodge between Northampton and Milton Keynes led by 66571. Notice the heavily frosted ground in the foreground as a result of the very cold and clear night that had just passed. Also notice what appears to be the driver's hands resting on the top of the control console. However, close examination of the RAW file reveals that they are, in fact, a pair of orange 'hi-viz' gloves! 
 Keywords: 66571 03.14 Garston-Felixstowe North (4L97, 2E), Gordon's Lodge Freightliner
D213, outward leg of The East Anglian 2, 06.39 Crewe-Norwich (1Z31, 2E), Gordon's Lodge 
 A glorious sight and sound as D213 'Andania' revisits its old haunts hauling the outward leg of The East Anglian 2 charter passing Gordon's Lodge just north of Hanslope Junction on the southern WCML. Of course, back in the day the heavyweight Type 4 would have been more at home on the fast lines rather than the up slow that it is travelling on here. The LSL organised 1Z53 06.39 Crewe to Norwich charter ran to time both on its outward and return journey via North London. 
 Keywords: D213 The East Anglian 2 06.39 Crewe-Norwich 1Z31 Gordon's Lodge Andania
805005 & 805008, VT 07.03 Wrexham General-London Euston (1A16, 3L), Gordon's Lodge 
 Everos 805005 and 805008 pass Gordon's Lodge just north of the busy Hanslope Junction working the 07.03 Wrexham General to Euston Avanti service. On such a beautiful and superb morning for railway photography, the only thing that is not quite perfect is the colour of the train. 
 Keywords: 805005 805008 07.03 Wrexham General-London Euston 1A16 Gordon's Lodge AWC Avanti West Coast Evero

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