10. The Cumbrian Mountain Express & a Northern returner-01.02.25

THE ARCHIVE FILES > Archive-2025 > 10. The Cumbrian Mountain Express & a Northern returner-01.02.25

The first Cumbrian Mountain Express of the year found me heading for Rugby to see the charter pause to pick up passengers.
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88008, stabled Thunderbird, Rugby station 
 In the very dull early morning light at Rugby 88008 'Ariadne' sits stabled in its usual spot on platform three. As a rescue locomotive, thankfully, it sees little work with most modern trains operating on the WCML being reliable. 
 Keywords: 88008 Thunderbird Rugby station DRS Direct Rail Services Ariadne
66563, 05.23 Hanslope Junction-Bescot Yard (6Y52, 3E), Rugby station 
 Having been held just south of Rugby to permit the passing of a number of passenger services the 05.23 Hanslope Junction to Bescot Yard ballast wagon train finally gets underway through Rugby station. Being 07.50 on the first day of February it is still very grey and dark meaning that the photograph of 66563 leading the train is of dubious quality! 
 Keywords: 66563 05.23 Hanslope Junction-Bescot Yard 6Y52 Rugby station Freightliner
86259, outward leg of The Cumbrian Mountain Express, 06.39 London Euston-Carlisle (1Z86, 9L), Rugby station 
 86259 'Les Ross/Peter Pan' arrives at Rugby leading the first Cumbrian Mountain Express of the year. The always smart-looking AL6 that lives at Rugby when not in use, is wearing a smart new headboard produced for the 2025 season. The 06.39 Euston to Carlisle train, with steam taking over from Carnforth, was carrying its owner in the cab. Les Ross can just be seen standing wearing a white tee-shirt emblazoned with an image of his locomotive. 
 Keywords: 86259 The Cumbrian Mountain Express 06.39 London Euston-Carlisle 1Z86 Rugby station Les Ross Peter Pan
Les Ross, 86259, outward leg of The Cumbrian Mountain Express, 06.39 London Euston-Carlisle (1Z86, 9L), Rugby station 
 A familiar radio voice around the West Midlands for more years than he would want to admit, Les Ross sits in the cab of 'his' locomotive as it waits to leave Rugby. 86259 'Les Ross/Peter Pan' was leading the inaugural Cimbrian Mountain Express of the season that had left Euston at 06.39 heading for Carlisle running, as per usual as 1Z86. Thanks to privateer enthusiasts such as Les Ross we would not enjoy the sight of historic locomotives such as 86259 out on the mainline. 
 Keywords: Les Ross 86259 The Cumbrian Mountain Express 06.39 London Euston-Carlisle 1Z86 Rugby station AL6 Peter Pan
730212, stabled, Rugby station 
 The West Midlands Trains Class 730s are currently undergoing testing and staff training on the southern West Coast Mainline. Soon (but inevitably very late) they will be entering service between Birmingham and Euston replacing the Class 350/2 subset that will go off lease. Stabled awaiting its next test run 730212 stands at the southern end of Rugby station in the early morning February gloom. 
 Keywords: 730212 Rugby station West Midlands Trains Aventra
66747, 11.39 London Gateway-Hams Hall (4M47, 7E), Hyde Road bridge 
 The one-of Newell and Wright Transport liveried 66747 passes Roade leading the 4M47 11.39 London Gateway to Hams Hall service. Despite it being the early afternoon the light was absolutely dreadful on this, the first day of February with the camera struggling to produce a reasonably clean image. Both Photoshop and Neat Image had to work hard to process the image! 
 Keywords: 66747 11.39 London Gateway-Hams Hall 4M47 Hyde Road bridge
156413, 14.32 Wolverton Centre Sidings-Heaton TMD (5E12, 1E), Hyde Road bridge 
 Having had corrosion repairs, a smart repaint and an internal refresh, 156413 heads home back to its Northern haunts as the 14.32 Wolverton Centre Sidings to Heaton TMD (Newcastle). Running as 5E12 the train is seen passing Roade at the start of its long journey to the northeast. 
 Keywords: 156413 14.32 Wolverton Centre Sidings-Heaton TMD 5E12 Hyde Road bridge Northern
66763, 14.05 DIRFT-Dollands Moor (6O51, 4L), Hyde Road bridge 
 66763 'Severn Valley Railway' comes through Roade cutting leading the empty bottled water train. The 14.05 DIRFT to Dollands Moor runs as 6O51 and takes a long fleet of Cargo Wagons back to Dollands Moor for onward movement through the Channel Tunnel and through Europe to pick up yet more thousands of plastic bottles of water. 
 Keywords: 66763 14.05 DIRFT-Dollands Moor 6O51 Hyde Road bridge GBRf Severn Valley Railway

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