4. Trip to Norwich & Great Yarmouth-31.10.13

THE ARCHIVE FILES > Archive-2013 > 60. Holiday in Norfolk-26.10-02.11.13 > 4. Trip to Norwich & Great Yarmouth-31.10.13
Our customary trip from Sheringham to Norwich by train on a rather dull day, especially galling as yesterday was absolutely superb from dawn to dusk! Whilst my wife and son explored the shops of Norwich I had a quick run out to Great Yarmouth stopping off on the way back for some much-needed semaphore action at Brundall.
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Images 1-35 of 35 displayed.

156422, LE 09.45 Sheringham-Norwich, Sheringham station 
 The platform is so short at Sheringham that in order to take a photograph of a two-car unit I had to nip (without the driver seeing me) down the ramp in order to get it all in. With the recently opened Tesco store in the background, 156422 will soon work the 09.45 service to Norwich. My wife, son and I travelled on this to journies end. 
 Keywords: 156422 09.45 Sheringham-Norwich Sheringham station Greater Anglia GA
82105, LE 09.00 London Liverpool Street-Norwich, Norwich station 
 On a miserable morning at Norwich station, DVT 82105 leads the 09.00 in from Liverpool Street. I can't help but feel that the National Express Greater Anglia livery worn by the GEML trains is a little dull, especially on such a grey day as this! 
 Keywords: 82105 09.00 London Liverpool Street-Norwich Norwich station
153314 & 153306, LE 10.17 Great Yarmouth-Norwich, Norwich station 
 The old and new look of Greater Anglia as seen on a pair of Class 153 units as they arrive at Norwich. Leading the 10.17 terminating service from Great Yarmouth is 153314 wearing the old National Express paint scheme with 153306 having been treated to the much brighter 'new look' livery.

PS from December 2013 the 'new look' as I describe above was to be branded as Abellio Greater Anglia (note added 02.25) 
 Keywords: 153314 153306 10.17 Great Yarmouth-Norwich Norwich station
90009, LE 11.00 Norwich-London Liverpool Street, Norwich station 
 Celebrity named and suitably adorned 90009 'Diamond Jubilee' waits at Norwich station to work the 11.00 service to London Liverpool Street. Greater Anglia named this locomotive last year (May 2012) to commemorate the anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's accession to the throne on February 6, 1952. 
 Keywords: 90009 11.00 Norwich-London Liverpool Street Norwich station Greater Anglia NX Diamond Jubilee
90008, 11.30 Norwich-London Liverpool Street & 90009, LE 11.00 Norwich-London Liverpool Street, Norwich station 
 A familiar scene at the city end of Norwich station sees a pair of Greater Anglia services that will leave for London within half an hour of each other. To the left 90008 'The East Anglian' will leave later with the 11.30 to Liverpool Street whilst to the right 90009 'Diamond Jubilee' will leave first at 11.00 
 Keywords: Diamond Jubilee The East Anglian 90008 11.30 Norwich-London Liverpool Street 90009 11.00 Norwich-London Liverpool Street Norwich station
Nameplate & vinyl, 90009, LE 11.00 Norwich-London Liverpool Street, Norwich station 
 The nameplate of 90009 'Diamond Jubilee' as it waits at Norwich to lead the 11.00 service to London Liverpool Street. Whilst the plate is a traditional one seen on many locomotives, I am not at all sure about the odd vinyl attached above it! The locomotive was named nearly eighteen months ago in May 1012. 
 Keywords: Nameplate vinyl 90009 11.00 Norwich-London Liverpool Street Norwich station Diamond Jubilee
153306, LE 10.58 Norwich-Lowestoft & class 82, LE 11.00 Norwich-London Liverpool Street, Norwich station 
 As the 11.00 to Liverpool Street with a DVT Class 82 at the rear disappears from Norwich 153306 also departs with a far more mundane service, the 10.58 to Lowestoft. Norwich is always a busy station with plenty of coming and going services in all directions. 
 Keywords: 153306 10.58 Norwich-Lowestoft class 82 11.00 Norwich-London Liverpool Street, Norwich station Greater Anglia
158777, EM 08.34 Nottingham-Norwich, Norwich station 
 Having completed its journey from the East Midlands the 08.34 from Nottingham arrives at Norwich station worked by 158777. I believe that this unit will have originated at Liverpool Lime Street with another unit splitting on arrival at Nottingham and working forward as a new service. 
 Keywords: 158777 08.34 Nottingham-Norwich Norwich station East Midlands Trains
153314, LE 11.36 Norwich-Great Yarmouth & 82105, LE 11.30 Norwich-London Liverpool Street, Norwich station 
 I wonder if the chap on the 'phone is trying to re-arrange his travel arrangements having missed his train? Either way, I like photographs that feature a little human interest in them with the actual trains taking a secondary role. At Norwich 153314 will work the 11.6 to Great Yarmouth with DVT at the rear of what will be the 11.30 to Liverpool Street. 
 Keywords: 153314 11.36 Norwich-Great Yarmouth 82105 11.30 Norwich-London Liverpool Street Norwich station Greater Anglia
82105, LE 11.30 Norwich-London Liverpool Street, Norwich station 
 With a sea of light blue in evidence, the 11.30 departure from Norwich waits to leave for Liverpool Street. The Greater Anglia/ONE paint scheme is now redundant with some stock and units now appearing in the new white and red livery. 
 Keywords: 82105 11.30 Norwich-London Liverpool Street Norwich station Greater Anglia
153314, LE 11.36 Norwich-Great Yarmouth, Norwich station 
 My train to the seaside! I was to travel on the 11.36 Norwich to Great Yarmouth worked by 153314 all the way to its destination via the Berney Arms route. I enjoy travelling on these single-car Class 153s as they are a threatened species now. Their ride can be a little lively, especially on the uneven and bullhead track leading out across the fens towards the coast. 
 Keywords: 153314 11.36 Norwich-Great Yarmouth Norwich station Greater Anglia
47841, 57007 & 57008, stabled, Norwich station 
 With the RHT leaf fall season in full flow, DRS has been contracted to provide the motive power for the top and tail services. The hub for operations is Stowmarket where the stock used is serviced and stabled. The locomotives are stabled here at Norwich where 47841, 57007 and 57008 are seen awaiting their next turn of duty. 
 Keywords: 47841 57007 57008 stabled Norwich station
153314, LE 12.17 Great Yarmouth-Norwich, Great Yarmouth station 
 Having just alighted from 153314 here at Great Yarmouth I am going to join the other waiting passengers to rejoin the train and take the same unit back across the Fens to Brundall as the 12.17 to Norwich. As usual, Great Yarmouth is a busy station with many visitors both coming and going from the east coast resort. 
 Keywords: 153314 12.17 Great Yarmouth-Norwich Great Yarmouth station Greater Anglia
153314, LE 12.17 Great Yarmouth-Norwich, Brundall station 
 Having alighted from 153314 at Brundall I have nipped up on to the footbridge to capture its departure from this quiet East Anglian station. Notice the single up platform with the down platform located behind me on the other side of the bridge and a level crossing. 
 Keywords: 153314 12.17 Great Yarmouth-Norwich Brundall station Greater Anglia
153314, LE 12.17 Great Yarmouth-Norwich, Brundall station 
 My third and final photograph of 153314 as it departs from Brundall station working the 12.17 Great Yarmouth to Norwich service. Brundall remains a station steeped in the past with a manually operated level crossing and a super array of semaphore signalling. This view shows the curiously large former station and station house now is use as a commercial premises. 
 Keywords: 153314 12.17 Great Yarmouth-Norwich Brundall station Greater Anglia GA
Closing the crossing gates, Brundall station 
 Not something seen on the modern railway in many locations now. The crossing keeper at Brundall opens the gates to road users with a train having passed. His operations are interlocked with the operation of the semaphores that themselves are controlled by the signal box that is just in sight at the far end of the up platform. 
 Keywords: Closing the crossing gates Brundall station
156416, LE 12.36 Norwich-Great Yarmouth, Brundall station 
 156416 'Saint Edmund' rattles through Brundall station working the 12.36 Norwich to Great Yarmouth service. It has just passed the superb home signal mounted on a rather grand and oversized post. The latticed footbridge is a typical design for the region with the manually operated gates and the associated crossing keeper box also of interest. I am not sure as to how many years of operation this superb infrastructure has left but plans are now afoot to resignl the lines east of Norwich so get your photographs whilst you can! 
 Keywords: 156416 12.36 Norwich-Great Yarmouth Brundall station Greater Anglia GA Saint Edmund
Brundall crossing box 
 This rather unassuming structure is the Brundall crossing keeper's box. It is manned twenty-four hours providing shelter for the crossing keeper. I cannot name very many examples of such an operation on the network. Notice the small extension to the building built of a slightly different brick and having a rather poor excuse for a roof that houses personal needs facilities for the crossing keeper. 
 Keywords: Brundall crossing box
57011 & Class 57, Lowestoft RHTT, Brundall station 
 With Rail Head Treatment services in full operation now it is not particularly tricky to find one somewhere on the network, even out here deep in East Anglia! This train caught me by suprise as I was not expecting it despite it having been pegged for some time. A smokey 57011 leads the RHTT train through Brundall with an unidentified locomotive on the back. If anybody out there can tell me the origin of this RHTT working (probably Stowmarket) and the identiity of the rear locomotive please let me know! 
 Keywords: 57011 Class 57 Lowestoft RHTT Brundall station DRS Direct Rail Services
153314, LE 12.58 Norwich-Lowestoft, Brundall station 
 The 12.58 Norwich to Lowestoft Great Anglia service rattles through Brundall station worked by 153314. It will not be very long (scheduled for 2017) before the lines east of Norwich will be dragged into the modern railway age with the wiping away of the Victorian infrastructure seen here. 
 Keywords: 153314 12.58 Norwich-Lowestoft Brundall station Greater Anglia GA
Level crossing, Brundall 
 Despite being a dead-end road down to a large boatyard and marina the road crossing of the railway at Brundall is a busy location. The crossing keeper is based in the small hut seen to the left and and is kept busy openeing and closing the gates pretty regulary. Pedestrians can use the superb latticed footbridge if the gates are closed to road users. The building to the right, now home to a business associated with the boating industry is the old station and station master's house. 
 Keywords: Level crossing Brundall
Looking east, Brundall station 
 Brundall station was opened by the Yarmouth & Norwich Railway (Y&NR) in 1844 and has been in use since. It has an unusual split platform arrangement with the up and down platforms situated either side of the footbridge and level crossing. The station building seen to the left is now a business. 
 Keywords: Looking east Brundall station
170205, LE 13.00 Lowestoft-Norwich, Brundall station 
 170205 passes through Brundall station working Greater Anglia's 13.00 Lowestoft to Norwich service. It appears that I am trespassing off the end of the platform but, unusually, public access to this platform is via a footpath from the village directly on to the ramp. 
 Keywords: 170205 13.00 Lowestoft-Norwich Brundall station
Closing the crossing gates, Brundall station 
 Closing the gates for yet another train at Brundall station. The keeper is kept busy with a fair number of trains passing his patch, most of them passing through with far fewer stopper services. The gates are being closed for the train that I am about to catch and travel back to Norwich on. 
 Keywords: Closing the crossing gates Brundall station
Closing the crossing gates, Brundall station 
 The gatekeeper at Brundall is closing the gates for the passage of the 13.17 Great Yarmouth to Norwich Greater Anglia service that will stop at the station. I was to travel back to Norwich to meet up with my wife and son on this train. I have enjoyed my hour or so at Brundall wallowing in amongst the superb Victorian infrastructure and wonder if I will return before it is wiped away? 
 Keywords: Closing the crossing gates Brundall station
156416, LE 13.17 Great Yarmouth-Norwich, Brundall station 
 My train back from Brundall to Norwich arrives at the station worked by 156416. I travelled aboard the 13.17 ex Great Yarmouth to Norwich saying goodbye to the semaphores and signal box. Network Rail is supposed to be resignalling this area in 2017 so I am not sure if I will be back again to enjoy the Victorian infrastructure again; I hope so! 
 Keywords: 156416 13.17 Great Yarmouth-Norwich Brundall station Greater Anglia
156407 LE 16.45 Norwich-Sheringham & 170270, LE 16.40 Norwich-Great Yarmouth, Norwich station 
 A pair of Greater Anglia units rest against the blocks at Norwich station. To the left 156407 will work the 16.45 to Sheringham whilst to the right 170270 will leave first as the 16.40 to Great Yarmouth. My wife, son and I would travel back to the coast on 156407. 
 Keywords: 156407 16.45 Norwich-Sheringham 170270 16.40 Norwich-Great Yarmouth Norwich station GA Greater Anglia
158780, EM 16.57 Norwich-Manchester Piccadilly, Norwich station 
 East Midlands Trains' 158780 waits at Norwich station before working the 16.57 service to Manchester Piccadilly. EMT operates trains between Norwich to Nottingham, Liverpool Lime Street as well as Manchester all using a fleet of Class 158 units. 
 Keywords: 156407 16.45 Norwich-Sheringham 170270 16.40 Norwich-Great Yarmouth Norwich station East Midlands Trains EMT
156407 LE 16.45 Norwich-Sheringham & 170270, LE 16.40 Norwich-Great Yarmouth, Norwich station 
 Having changed from British Summertime the previous weekend by 16.30 (when this photograph was taken) it is dusk. At Norwich station with the lights now on 170270 gets ready to work the 16.40 to Great Yarmouth with 156407 leaving five minutes later with the 16.45 to Sheringham. 
 Keywords: 156407 16.45 Norwich-Sheringham 170270 16.40 Norwich-Great Yarmouth, Norwich station
170206, LE 16.38 Norwich-Cambridge, Norwich station 
 Caused by the use of a slow shutter speed, motion-blurred passengers board the 16.38 train to Cambridge at Norwich station. Greater Anglia's 170206 will work the train via Ely. 
 Keywords: 170206 16.38 Norwich-Cambridge Norwich station
170205, LE 15.50 Lowestoft-Norwich, Norwich station 
 Passengers alight from 170205 having just arrived and terminated working the 15.50 from Lowestoft. The train is seen in the shorter platform six which is located at the far east side of Norwich station from where it will soon work back to the coast as an evening commuter service. 
 Keywords: 170205 15.50 Lowestoft-Norwich Norwich station Greater Anglia
Sheringham East signal box (M&GNJR, 1906) 
 Sheringham East signal box is seen nicely illuminated. The box has an interesting history, initially being built very close to its present-day location where it controlled the level crossing on Station Road and signalling to the east of the M&GN station. When the line west from Sheringham towards Holt and beyond was closed by British Railways in 1966 the box was saved with the top relocated to the former up platform of the preserved station by the fledgling North Norfolk Railway. Later, it was to become a small museum for visitors. In 2011, the box was moved back to its new spot and is now associated with the reinstated but infrequently used rail link to the Network Rail line and the running round of locomotives. 
 Keywords: Sheringham East signal box
M56352, waiting for the Halloween special, Sheringham station 
 A Class 101 DMU car is seen at Sheringham station. later in the evening and suitably adorned with fake cobwebs and skeletons hanging from the luggage racks, it will work a Halloween Special to Holt and back. Looking at the photgraph now I really should have got to work with Photoshop to 'eliminate' the cone placed between the bench and the train! 
 Keywords: M56352 waiting for the Halloween special Sheringham station
M56352, waiting for the Halloween special, Sheringham station 
 Under a star-lit sky at Sheringham station one of the North Norfolk Railway's resident Class 101 DMUs rests before being prepared for a Halloween special that will run later in the evening making a return run to Holt. Heritage railways have to operate services such as this to keep the cash rolling in and very lucrative they can be too if run and organised well. 
 Keywords: M56352 waiting for the Halloween special Sheringham station
Tickets, Sheringham-Great Yarmouth-Sheringham 
 My wife and son (under 16) bought their own return tickets from Sheringham to Norwich. However, as I was going on to Great Yarmouth on my own it was cheaper for me to buy a through ticket rather than two separate ones firstly to Norwich and then another on to Great Yarmouth. 
 Keywords: Tickets Sheringham-Great Yarmouth-Sheringham

Images 1-35 of 35 displayed.