3. Kelling-30.10.13

THE ARCHIVE FILES > Archive-2013 > 60. Holiday in Norfolk-26.10-02.11.13 > 3. Kelling-30.10.13
With the sun back out again I ventured out on my bike for the first two services of the day prior to us going out doing other holiday things!
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M51192 & M56352, 09.45 Sheringham-Holt, Kelling Heath TG103415 
 Just emerging from the low cutting and on to the heath at the top of Kelling bank the North Norfolk Railway's first passenger service of the day is seen. The 09.45 Sheringham to Holt service is being worked by a two-car preserved Class 101 DMU set made up of M51192 and M56352. This set is one of two that operate on the NNR with the other one currently undegowing and overhaul at Weybpurne. 
 Keywords: M51192 M56352 09.45 Sheringham-Holt Kelling Heath TG103415 Class 101 First generation DMU
8572, 10.30 Sheringham-Holt, Kelling Bank TG107418 
 Looking resplendent in the morning autumnal sunshine gainst a brilliant blue sky LNER B12 8572 storms up Kelling bank wolrking the NNR's 10.30 Sheringham to Holt service. I must admit to being a trifle linesiding here but I did don my orange hi-viz tabard and was a good distance from the track. It couldn't have been a problem from the traincrew as the driver gave me a cheery wave as the train passed! 
 Keywords: 8572 10.30 Sheringham-Holt Kelling Bank TG107418 LNER B12

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