4. The day after the snow fell-05.01.25

THE ARCHIVE FILES > Archive-2025 > 4. The day after the snow fell-05.01.25

What a strange day for the weather. A significant overnight fall of snow was melting in record time due to a rise in temperature from one-degree Celsius to nine in about two hours. This created very misty conditions during which I took my customary Sunday walk.
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66433, 08.47 Tilbury FLT-DIRFT (4M07, 51E), site of Roade station 
 With the remnants of last night's snowfall still evident through the fog 66433 'Carlisle Power Signal Box 50th Anniversary 1973-2023' passes Roade working the 4M07 08.47 Tilbury to Daventry Tesco Express. Whilst the many purist railway photographers would not even venture out in weather like this, I firmly believe in capturing railway images in all weather conditions. 
 Keywords: 66433 08.47 Tilbury FLT-DIRFT 4M07 site of Roade station Carlisle Power Signal Box 50th Anniversary 1973-2023
88007, 12.41 DIRFT-Tilbury FLT (4L48, 2E), Roade cutting 
 88007 'Electra' emerges from the fog in Roade cutting leading the daily 4L48 12.41 Daventry to Tilbury Freightliner Terminal Tesco Express. This DRS operated is the balancing working to the train photographed in the previous image and goes through phases of being electrically hauled but more normally is seen with a Class 66 at the front. 
 Keywords: 88007 12.41 DIRFT-Tilbury FLT 4L48 Roade cutting Electra

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