78. SWR return drag-27.08.24

THE ARCHIVE FILES > Archive-2024 > 78. SWR return drag-27.08.24

Another South Western Railway unit drag passing close to home encouraged me to get out and away from gardening chores at home!
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66569, 11.13 Felixstowe North-Ditton (4M87, 7L), Hyde Road bridge 
 66569, recently and somewhat oddly named 'Gerald 'The Rule Book' Riley' passes through Roade leading the 11.13 Felixstowe to Ditton Freightliner. The 66 was named in July in a small ceremony at Ipswich station held to celebrate more than fifty-five years of service of the Rail Safety and Standards Board staff member Gerald Riley. 
 Keywords: 66569 11.13 Felixstowe North-Ditton 4M87 Hyde Road bridge Gerald 'The Rule Book' Riley.
66111, 11.32 Ditton Foundry-Dollands Moor (6026, 3E), Hyde Road bridge 
 Leaving a smokey trail through Roade cutting former EWS operated (still wearing its colour scheme) 66111 leads the 6O26 11.32 Ditton Foundry to Dollands Moor for later onward movement through the tunnel to the continent. Usually a short train, as per today, it conveys parts and supplies from the JLR facility at Ditton supporting their dealers throughout Europe. 
 Keywords: 66111 11.32 Ditton Foundry-Dollands Moor 6026 Hyde Road bridge DB EWS
69008, 16.18 Northampton EMD-Kettering Stabling Sidings (0F62, 1E), Hyde Road bridge 
 The first of two Class 69s to pass through Roade cutting within thirty minutes of each other. 69008 'Richard Howe' runs light engine as the 16.18 Northampton EMD to Kettering Stabling Sidings that will then continue north returning to Leicester LIP depot. Earlier in the day, the 69 had brought a Class 360 from Kettering to Northampton for servicing and an exam. Usually, it would take one back but not today. When this has happened in the past the light engine Class 69 has often returned to Leicester via a dash along the WCML to Nuneaton where it would then reverse and complete its journey through Hinkley and Narborough. 
 Keywords: 69008 16.18 Northampton EMD-Kettering Stabling Sidings 0F62 Hyde Road bridge gbrf Richard Howe
66304, 13.57 Birch Coppice-London Gateway (4L68, 3L), Roade cutting 
 Formally a DRS locomotive that itself took it on from the defunct operator Jarvis who themselves had taken over Fastline Freight 66304 leads the 13.57 Birch Coppice to London Gateway 4L68 Freightliner. The Class 66 still wears the plain version of DRS' livery (it never received their fancy full livery) but is unbranded now operated by GBRf; I wonder what plans they have for this and the other five 6630Xs that were originally ordered by Fastline back in 2007. 
 Keywords: 66304 13.57 Birch Coppice-London Gateway 4L68 Roade cutting
805009 & 805003, VT 16.21 Birmingham New Street-London Euston (1B52, 7L), Roade cutting 
 I don't wish to tell AWC Control how to run their trains but I have a question. A few minutes before this image was taken, a pair of old, dirty and noisy Class 221s headed south through Roade cutting on a Chester to Euston service. Now 805009 and 805003 head south with the 16.21 Birmingham to Euston service. Why roster the 221s on the Chester train and the 805s on the Birmingham one? 
 Keywords: 805009 805003 16.21 Birmingham New Street-London Euston 1B52 Roade cutting Avanti West Coast Evero
69009 & 458418, 13.11 Widness Transport Tech-Wembley Yard (5Q62, 53E), Roade cutting 
 The second Class 69 to pass through Roade cutting in half an hour. 69009 'Western Consort' (formally 56060) leads SWR's 458418 and a pair of barrier coaches as the 5Q62 13.11 Widness Transport Tech to Wembley Yard. The unit has been undergoing an overhaul and extended in length by one carriage to then work the Waterloo to Portsmouth 'fast' services. There have been a number of these moves over the past year or so with various locomotives tasked with hauling them, for example, see... https://www.ontheupfast.com/p/21936chg/30037057483/x50007-458505-50049-11-22-clapham 
 Keywords: 69009 458418 13.11 Widness Transport Tech-Wembley Yard 5Q62 Roade cutting western consort

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