1. Swindon-02.02.80

THE ARCHIVE FILES > Archive-1980 > 1. Swindon-02.02.80
A brief visit to Swindon that I seem to recall was to visit a girlfriend and I only took two photographs as I passed the works on the way there. As it was winter, I was using black and white film finding it better than the chronically slow Kodachrome 64.
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D1015, awaiting restoration, Swindon Works 
 Amongst the detritus in the huge scrappage area to the western end of Swindon works D1015 'Western Champion' is seen in virtually complete condition. I have established that the strange lines and numbers painted on its side were not a precursor to it being cut-up but were, in fact, part of an exercise for the trainees in the paint shop. D1015 lived on, now being in the care of the DTG (Diesel Traction Group) and can be seen both on the mainline as well as doing the rounds on the heritage lines attending their diesel galas. For example ....... https://www.ontheupfast.com/p/21936chg/29262545804/d1015-13-54-bewdley-kidderminster 
 Keywords: D1015 Western Champion awaiting restoration Swindon Works
D818, D832 & D7029, on display, Swindon Works turntable 
 A veritable hydraulic gathering around Swindon works' turntable. To the left D818 'Glory' (withdrawn 01.11.72), in the centre D832 'Onslaught' (withdrawn 16.12.72, and now preserved on the East Lancashire Railway) and to the right D7029 (withdrawn 28.02.75, now in the care of the DTG at the SVR). Whilst two of these locomotives have made it into preservation D818 was eventually cut up in 1985 after being reduced to a shell and just prior to the clearance of the works in preparation for its tragic closure. Of interest in the foreground is a 'door to door' Conflat A wagon - many hundreds of which were built by Swindon works during the 1950s. 
 Keywords: D818 D832 D7029 on display Swindon Works turntable Hymek Warship Glory Onslaught

Images 1-2 of 2 displayed.