12. Taunton-23.06.79

THE ARCHIVE FILES > Archive-1979 > 12. Taunton-23.06.79
A trip with Graham to Taunton to get some semaphore action! We travelled down in the bright orange Mini UAM 736J. It marked the time that I made the transition from negative film to transparencies using Kodachrome 64.
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Somerton signal box (GW, c.1906) 
 The lovely signal box at Somerton. The box was one of the GWR's brick-built Type 7B boxes. It opened circa 1906 and was abolished in February 1985 when the area came under the control of Westbury PSB. In 1942, a forty-four lever Vertical Tappet frame was installed. I love the short Western Region down home signal complete with its finial that, if the picture was in colour, would have been seen clearly painted red. 
 Keywords: Somerton signal box
50008, 13.45 Paignton-London Paddington (1A03), Paul`s Bridge, Somerton ST482280 
 50008 'Thunderer' approaches Somerton from the west with 1A03 13.45 Paignton to Paddington service. The photograph is taken from Paul's bridge where the B3165 leaves the village. The flatish land to the left and the fact that the telegraph wires are set so far away from the line suggest previous railway use, perhaps sidings of some kind; can anybody advise? 
 Keywords: 50008 13.45 Paignton-Paddington 1A03 Paul`s Bridge Somerton ST482280 Thunderer
47502, unidentified down working, Athelney level crossing 
 Taken at Athelney level crossing that is on the Somerset Levels, 47501 heads westwards with an unidentified down express composed of Mk. II stock. This particular class 47 is still with us today and is preserved as 47715 on The Wensleydale Railway. It has just been repainted into Network Southeast livery and re-named 'Haymarket'. 
 Keywords: 47502 unidentified down working Athelney level crossing
50040, 12.20 Penzance-London Paddington (1A13), Athelney 
 50040 'Leviathan' accelerates past Athelney home signal with the 12.20 Penzance to Paddington service. Note the truncated up loop in the foreground that appears to have seen little use when this picture was taken. Despite it being high summer and the middle of June, this was an awful day with persistent cloud and a lot of heavy rain showers. 
 Keywords: 50040 12.20 Penzance-London Paddington 1A13 Athelney Leviathan
50015, 14.30 London Paddington-Paignton (1B90), Athelney 
 50015 'Valiant' leads the 1B90 14.30 Paddington to Paignton express past Athelney on the Somerset Levels a short distance west of Taunton. Just above the rear of the coaches of the train, the unmistakable shape of the 1906 built signal box roof can be seen. Just behind the box is a fine example of a black pine (pinus Nigra) that the GWR planted all over their network. There have been a variety of reasons out there, including many urban myths, as to why the GWR did this. 
 Keywords: 50015 unidentified down working Athelney 14.30 London Paddington-Paignton 1B90
47052, unidentified up working, Cogload Junction 
 47052 takes the up fast line past Cogload Junction. The train is on the inner up line and will thus go via Westbury heading for Paddington. I have not been able to identify this working, but, as there is a buffet car marshalled into the train as the first coach would indicate that it probably originated from Paignton. 
 Keywords: 47052 unidentified up working Cogload Junction
B471, 17.28 Taunton-Bristol Temple Meads, Cogload Junction (Courtesy of GGV) 
 The 17.28 Taunton to Bristol Temple Meads DMU local service has recently left its starting point and is seen passing Cogload Junction a few miles west of Taunton. This local working is composed of a Birmingham R. C. & W. Co. class 117 suburban DMU set B471 that should have been W51314, W59481, and W51329. This picture is courtesy of Graham Vincent who donated this slide to me as one of his 'rejects'; it's not too bad, it seems to me apart from a little motion blur! 
 Keywords: B471 17.28 Taunton-Bristol Temple Meads Cogload Junction
46003, up LE, Cogload Junction 
 Taken from a field at Cogload Junction behind the signal box, this photograph shows 46003 running light-engine up towards Bristol on the old 'Midland' route. This is a delightfully remote spot deep in the Somerset countryside and a box that had no direct road access. Signalmen had to walk or ride their bikes down the nearby canal towpath that is situated to my left as I stand taking this photograph. I re-visited this spot later in the summer and camped in this field on a wild wet and windy night. 
 Keywords: 46003 LE Cogload Junction
Cogload Junction & flyover looking north 
 Taken from the field behind Cogload Junction signal box the flyover that carries the down Bristol line over the Berks. and Hants. lines are clearly seen. The up Bristol line is seen to the far left with the colour light marking the transition from the last absolute block signalling to the Bristol PSB. The flying junction, as it is referred to, was constructed in 1931 to overcome delays and conflicting moves on the flat junction between the two busy lines. A quadruple track then ran from Cogload all the way to Taunton, a situation that remained unchanged until March 1986 when it was reduced to a double-track with the mechanical signalling removed and control passing to Exeter PSB. With levels of increased traffic in recent years, Network Rail and the various railway operators probably rue the day that this rationalisation took place! 
 Keywords: Cogload Junction
47280, 14.39 Leeds-Paignton (1V94), Taunton station 
 The driver peers back along his train waiting for the guard to give the RA from Taunton station as he waits to get 47280 underway leading the 14.39 Leeds to Paignton. The light is truly awful now as it was pouring with rain and very dark for an early evening close to the longest day. Notice the large British Railways (W) enamel at the end of the platform ramp and the superb gantry just in front of Taunton's famous Forty Steps bridge. 
 Keywords: 47280 14.39 Leeds-Paignton 1V94 Taunton station
50029, 17.32 London Paddington-Penzance (1B22), Taunton station (Courtesy of GGV) 
 The Class 50 and the Mk. II stock is the most modern pieces of railway hardware in evidence here at the eastern end of Taunton station! The wet and very dull scene is full of Great Western infrastructure and illustrates an era of the railways now long confined to history. There are so many things to take one's fancy here but my favourite has to be the corrugated iron tin hut that appears to be still painted in some variant of chocolate and cream. 50029 'Renown' brings the 1B22 17.32 Paddington to Penzance into the station. This picture is courtesy of Graham, this slide did not make the final cut in his collection. 
 Keywords: 50029 17.32 London Paddington-Penzance, Taunton station
50029, 17.32 London Paddington-Penzance (1B22), Taunton station 
 In torrential rain, 50029 'Renown' slows for its stop at Taunton station with the 1B22 17.32 Paddington to Penzance. Kodachrome 64 film is really struggling here in the deplorable lighting just two days after the longest day! Note that the down bay platforms are still extant to the right. These came out of use when the re-signalling and re-modelling of Taunton took place in 1986. 
 Keywords: 50029 17.32 London Paddington-Penzance 1B22 Taunton station
50029, 17.32 London Paddington-Penzance (1B22), Taunton station 
 I am having to stand under the end of the platform canopy in order to shelter from the torrential rain falling at Taunton, I suspect that the open droplight of the leading coach will allow in a fair bit of water! 50029 'Renown' is getting the 17.32 Paddington to Penzance underway beneath a sea of semaphore signals. The West signal box, that controls them, can be seen just behind rising above the roof of 50029. Notice the bright reflection on the cab side of 'Renown', I am not at all sure what this is, could it just be the setting sun appearing behind the black clouds that fill the sky? 
 Keywords: 50029 17.32 London Paddington-Penzance 1B22 Taunton station

Images 1-13 of 13 displayed.