57. Old Linslade-14.08.18

THE ARCHIVE FILES > Archive-2018 > 57. Old Linslade-14.08.18
A couple of hours out with Andy on the WCML just north of Leighton Buzzard at Old Linslade. This is a location that I have been meaning to visit for years and one that I've passed countless times on the train thinking, 'that looks to be a good spot'. The reason that it looked so good is the strange absence of palisade fencing on the eastern side of the line. This leaves the views open and some smashing pictures can be taken. I have vowed to go back again before the spot is ruined.
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350123, LN 11.47 Milton Keynes Central-London Euston (2K26, 6L), Old Linslade 
 350123 heads south past Old Linslade working the 11.47 Milton Keynes to London Euston. Amazingly, these Desiro units have been working this line for over ten years now; where has time gone? 
 Keywords: 350123 2K26 Old Linslade
D1935 (47805), 09.30 Crewe HS-Southall (0Z47), Old Linslade 
 Andy and I had been watching this 0Z47 working making its way towards us on RTT and were not at all sure what it was actually going to be as there had been no internet gen updates. When this super green D1935 'Roger Hosking MA 1925-2013' came around the corner with a single mark I coach we were mighty pleased! Even more so as it then proceeded to open up and produce a bit of clag to add to the occasion! The working was the 09.30 Crewe to Souhall. 
 Keywords: D1935 47805 09.30 Crewe HS-Southall 0Z47 Old Linslade
221115, VT 08.55 Holyhead-London Euston (1A23, 3E), Old Linslade 
 221115 'Polmadie Depot' passes Old Linslade forming the 08.55 Holyhead to London Euston. Incredibly, this is the first time that both Andy and I had visited this spot that is so close to home for both of us! With a strange absence of palisade fencing, really open and clear views of the busy WCML are easy. 
 Keywords: 221115 1A23 Old Linslade
66525, 07.39 Felixstowe South-Lawley Street (4M96), Old Linslade 
 Having just emerged from Linslade Tunnel, 66525 leads the 07.39 Felixstowe to Lawley Street Freightliner. Whilst the spot is open and great for northbound trains, if the sun is out it's completely useless as it's head-on! However, on this day, whilst it was bright, the sun did not ruin his shot! 
 Keywords: 66525 07.39 Felixstowe South-Lawley Street 4M96 Old Linslade
350113, LN 11.24 London Euston-Milton Keynes Central (2K43, 5L), Old Linslade 
 In a shot reminiscent of my 1970s 'low angle' pictures, 350113 passes Old Linslade working the 11.24 Euston to Milton Keynes Central. This image did need a little Photoshop 'manipulation' as the camera had exposed for the bright summer sky leaving the subject rather underexposed. After initial adjustments with levels, extensive use was made of the excellent shadows and highlights adjustments to bring a sense of normality back to the shot. 
 Keywords: 350113 2K43 Old Linslade
390131, VT 10.35 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston (1A24, 9L) & 377214, SN 12.01 Milton Keynes Central-East Croydon (2O37), Old Linslade 
 The race is on; however, I suspect that I know who will be the winner! 390131 'City of Liverpool' working the 10.35 Manchester to Euston overhauls Southern's 377214 forming the 12.01 Milton Keynes to East Croydon. The duo are seen about to pass under the rather antiquated footbridge that crosses the line at Old Linslade that carries the Cross Bucks way footpath. 
 Keywords: 390131 1A24 377214 2O37 Old Linslade
390153, VT 12.00 London Euston-Manchester Piccadilly (1H23, 6L), Old Linslade 
 I hope that the tilting mechanism on 390153 'Mission Accomplished' is working correctly as it takes the sharp and heavily cambered curve at Old Linslade. The Pendolino was working the 1H83 12.00 London Euston to Manchester Piccadilly. In this view, evidence of the dry conditions, that were such a feature of summer 2108, can be seen in the background with brown grass covering the meadow. 
 Keywords: 390153 1H23 Old Linslade
350101, LN 10.02 Crewe-London Euston (1U26, 19L), Old Linslade 
 350101 makes its way past Old Linslade on the up fast working the 10.02 Crewe to London Euston. This service arrived some 19 minutes late into London but this was a pretty good recovery considering it was 52 minutes late into Stoke-on-Trent nearer the start of its journey! 
 Keywords: 350101 1U26 Old Linslade
390370, LN 12.13 London Euston-Birmingham New Street (1Y33, RT), Old LInslade 
 Another image that required some Photoshop manipulation to create an acceptable picture. The camera had exposed for the sky meaning that 350370 and much of the foreground was too dark. Luckily, in the darker parts of a digital image there is detail, it just requires judicious use of the levels and shadows functions to lift them out. The Desiro was passing Old Linslade working the 12.13 Euston to Birmingham New Street. 
 Keywords: 390370 1Y33 Old LInslade
221107, VT 11.50 Birmingham New Street-London Euston (1B40, 5L), Old Linslade 
 221107 'Sir Martin Frobisher' passes under a farm occupation bridge at Old Linslade. The Voyager is working the 11.50 Birmingham New Street to London Euston. Notice the concrete and white asbestos cable carrying conduits in the foreground. In the past, these were a common sight throughout the network but now have all but disappeared as lineside cable is largely buried in the ballast. 
 Keywords: 221107 1B40 Old Linslade
Class 390, VT 12.23 London Euston-Birmingham New Street (9G20,-RT) & 90046 & 90048, 09.48 Crewe-Wembley (0Z92), Old LInslade 
 As the 09.48 London Euston to Birmingham New Street Pendolino heads north past Old Linslade on the down fast 90046 and 90048 head south on the up slow. The class 90s were close to completing the 0Z92 09.48 Crewe to Wembley Yard light engine movement. 
 Keywords: Class 390 9G20 90046 90048 09.48 Crewe-Wembley 0Z92 Old LInslade
66027, 09.26 Dollands Moor-DIRFT (6M45), Old Linslade 
 66027 looks really smart in it new DB livery as it passes Old Linslade. The 66 is leading the daily 09.26 Dollands Moor to the Daventry railfreight terminal. This working comprises a long set of cargo wagons full of bottled water that originated in Europe. This then goes on for distribution throughout the country to to satisfy our insatiable appetite for plastic bottles full of expensive 'mineral' water. The empty wagons return later in the evening ready for next day's delivery. 
 Keywords: 66027 6M45 Old Linslade
390049, VT 11.35 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston (1A29, 4E), Old Linslade 
 390049 leans into the sharp curve at Old Linslade forming the 11.35 Manchester Piccadilly to London Euston. A small patch of half-sun has just illuminated the subject but this only goes to illustrate that I Andy and I are on the wrong side of the line at this particular spot at this time in the day! 
 Keywords: 390049 1A29 Old Linslade
377212 & 377210, SN 13.12 Milton Keynes Central-East Croydon (2O41, 15L), Old Linslade 
 Southern operate a regular service over this section of the WCML that crosses London via the Kensington Olympia route. It's a useful service but one that is not particularly well patronised out of the peak hours. Here, 377212 and 377210 form the 13.12 Milton Keynes Central to East Croydon past Old Linslade. 
 Keywords: 377212 377210 2O41Old Linslade

Images 1-14 of 14 displayed.