Image 150114, 14.14 Wolverton Centre Sidings-Newton Heath TMD (5N32, 73E), Victoria bridge

150114, 14.14 Wolverton Centre Sidings-Newton Heath TMD (5N32, 73E), Victoria bridge
150114, 14.14 Wolverton Centre Sidings-Newton Heath TMD (5N32, 73E), Victoria bridge 
 Just as I arrived at Victoria bridge, the 5N32 14.14 Wolverton Centre Sidings to Neaton Heath empty stock move came into view. Wolverton Works has worked their magic on 150114 refurbishing it to be ready for some more years of service with Northern. The flow of stock in and out of the Gemini facility indicates that a healthy amount of work is being undertaken by the former London and Birmingham Railway works. 
 Keywords: 150114 14.14 Wolverton Centre Sidings-Newton Heath TMD 5N32 Victoria bridge Northern
150114, 14.14 Wolverton Centre Sidings-Newton Heath TMD (5N32, 73E), Victoria bridge 
 Just as I arrived at Victoria bridge, the 5N32 14.14 Wolverton Centre Sidings to Neaton Heath empty stock move came into view. Wolverton Works has worked their magic on 150114 refurbishing it to be ready for some more years of service with Northern. The flow of stock in and out of the Gemini facility indicates that a healthy amount of work is being undertaken by the former London and Birmingham Railway works. 
 Keywords: 150114 14.14 Wolverton Centre Sidings-Newton Heath TMD 5N32 Victoria bridge Northern

Just as I arrived at Victoria bridge, the 5N32 14.14

Wolverton Centre Sidings to Neaton Heath empty stock move came into view. Wolverton Works has worked their magic on 150114 refurbishing it to be ready for some more years of service with Northern. The flow of stock in and out of the Gemini facility indicates that a healthy amount of work is being undertaken by the former London and Birmingham Railway works.