Image 159015, & Class 159s, Salisbury Train Care Depot

159015, & Class 159s, Salisbury Train Care Depot
159015, & Class 159s, Salisbury Train Care Depot 
 A lineup of South West Trains' finest stand idle in Salisbury depot seen from the station. Nearest the camera, and the only one identifiable, is 159015. The depot opened in 1992 and is now the home to the entire fleet Class 158 and 159 units operated by SWT. 
 Keywords: 159015 Class 159s Salisbury Train Care Depot South West Trains SWT
159015, & Class 159s, Salisbury Train Care Depot 
 A lineup of South West Trains' finest stand idle in Salisbury depot seen from the station. Nearest the camera, and the only one identifiable, is 159015. The depot opened in 1992 and is now the home to the entire fleet Class 158 and 159 units operated by SWT. 
 Keywords: 159015 Class 159s Salisbury Train Care Depot South West Trains SWT

A lineup of South West Trains' finest stand idle in

Salisbury depot seen from the station. Nearest the camera, and the only one identifiable, is 159015. The depot opened in 1992 and is now the home to the entire fleet Class 158 and 159 units operated by SWT.