Image 390010, VT 12.40 Glasgow Central-London Euston, Roade

390010, VT 12.40 Glasgow Central-London Euston, Roade
390010, VT 12.40 Glasgow Central-London Euston, Roade 
 390010 passes Roade working the afternoon 12.40 Glasgow to Euston Pendolino service. I am standing on the remains of the former Stratford-upon-Avon and Midland Junction Railway (SMJR) embankment at the point where it used to cross the WCML. 
 Keywords: 390010 12.40 Glasgow Central-London Euston Roade Virgin West Coast Pendolino
390010, VT 12.40 Glasgow Central-London Euston, Roade 
 390010 passes Roade working the afternoon 12.40 Glasgow to Euston Pendolino service. I am standing on the remains of the former Stratford-upon-Avon and Midland Junction Railway (SMJR) embankment at the point where it used to cross the WCML. 
 Keywords: 390010 12.40 Glasgow Central-London Euston Roade Virgin West Coast Pendolino

390010 passes Roade working the afternoon 12.40 Glasgow to Euston

Pendolino service. I am standing on the remains of the former Stratford-upon-Avon and Midland Junction Railway (SMJR) embankment at the point where it used to cross the WCML.