Image 764, stabled, Pitsford station

764, stabled, Pitsford station
764, stabled, Pitsford station 
 Between brake van trip duties 764 'Sir Gyles Isham' rests at Pitsford and Brampton station whilst the crew take their lunch. The 1953 built Ruston & Hornsby shunter has been a resident on the Northampton and Lamprt Railway for many years and has provided good service in that time. 
 Keywords: 764 stabled Pitsford station 1953 built Ruston & Hornsby shunter 764 'Sir Gyles Isham'
764, stabled, Pitsford station 
 Between brake van trip duties 764 'Sir Gyles Isham' rests at Pitsford and Brampton station whilst the crew take their lunch. The 1953 built Ruston & Hornsby shunter has been a resident on the Northampton and Lamprt Railway for many years and has provided good service in that time. 
 Keywords: 764 stabled Pitsford station 1953 built Ruston & Hornsby shunter 764 'Sir Gyles Isham'

Between brake van trip duties 764 'Sir Gyles Isham' rests

at Pitsford and Brampton station whilst the crew take their lunch. The 1953 built Ruston & Hornsby shunter has been a resident on the Northampton and Lamprt Railway for many years and has provided good service in that time.