Image Frontage & re-development, Northampton station

Frontage & re-development, Northampton station
Frontage & re-development, Northampton station 
 Whilst the infamous 'three cowsheds' are still very much in use as a functioning station the developments in the former front car park are very much underway. According to the plans that I have seen the foreground will be where the new station building will be located with everything else seen in this scene demolished. I hope that the fine people of Northampton appreciate their shiny new station whenever it opens! 
 Keywords: Frontage re-development Northampton station
Frontage & re-development, Northampton station 
 Whilst the infamous 'three cowsheds' are still very much in use as a functioning station the developments in the former front car park are very much underway. According to the plans that I have seen the foreground will be where the new station building will be located with everything else seen in this scene demolished. I hope that the fine people of Northampton appreciate their shiny new station whenever it opens! 
 Keywords: Frontage re-development Northampton station

Whilst the infamous 'three cowsheds' are still very much in

use as a functioning station the developments in the former front car park are very much underway. According to the plans that I have seen the foreground will be where the new station building will be located with everything else seen in this scene demolished. I hope that the fine people of Northampton appreciate their shiny new station whenever it opens!