Image Hest Bank level crossing frame signal box (BR(LMR), 1958)

Hest Bank level crossing frame signal box (BR(LMR), 1958)
Hest Bank level crossing frame signal box (BR(LMR), 1958) 
 Hest Bank signal box is an interesting and surprising survivor. It is open purely to control the level crossing where the small dead-end road, known locally as The Shore crosses the line. The box was opened in 1958 to London Midland's standard design of the time. I cannot believe that it has a long future ahead of it with automation almost certainly not far away! 
 Keywords: Hest Bank level crossing frame signal box
Hest Bank level crossing frame signal box (BR(LMR), 1958) 
 Hest Bank signal box is an interesting and surprising survivor. It is open purely to control the level crossing where the small dead-end road, known locally as The Shore crosses the line. The box was opened in 1958 to London Midland's standard design of the time. I cannot believe that it has a long future ahead of it with automation almost certainly not far away! 
 Keywords: Hest Bank level crossing frame signal box

Hest Bank signal box is an interesting and surprising survivor.

It is open purely to control the level crossing where the small dead-end road, known locally as The Shore crosses the line. The box was opened in 1958 to London Midland's standard design of the time. I cannot believe that it has a long future ahead of it with automation almost certainly not far away!