Image Norton Junction signal box (GW, 1908)

Norton Junction signal box (GW, 1908)
Norton Junction signal box (GW, 1908) 
 Norton Junction signal box is located where the spur from the Bristol to Birmingham Midland route joins the GWR Cotswold line just southeast of Worcester. Built in 1908 the GWR Type 7D box replaced an earlier structure. I know nothing about this earlier box so if anybody can furnish me with any information I would be very grateful. The survival of Norton Junction box (and the Worcester area) and its associated mechanical lower quadrants is remarkable so get your images whilst you still can! 
 Keywords: Norton Junction signal box GW 1908 GW type 7D box
Norton Junction signal box (GW, 1908) 
 Norton Junction signal box is located where the spur from the Bristol to Birmingham Midland route joins the GWR Cotswold line just southeast of Worcester. Built in 1908 the GWR Type 7D box replaced an earlier structure. I know nothing about this earlier box so if anybody can furnish me with any information I would be very grateful. The survival of Norton Junction box (and the Worcester area) and its associated mechanical lower quadrants is remarkable so get your images whilst you still can! 
 Keywords: Norton Junction signal box GW 1908 GW type 7D box

Norton Junction signal box is located where the spur from

the Bristol to Birmingham Midland route joins the GWR Cotswold line just southeast of Worcester. Built in 1908 the GWR Type 7D box replaced an earlier structure. I know nothing about this earlier box so if anybody can furnish me with any information I would be very grateful. The survival of Norton Junction box (and the Worcester area) and its associated mechanical lower quadrants is remarkable so get your images whilst you still can!