Image 350246, 19.30 Northampton-Milton Keynes Central (5K08), Milton Malsor SP740553

350246, 19.30 Northampton-Milton Keynes Central (5K08), Milton Malsor SP740553
350246, 19.30 Northampton-Milton Keynes Central (5K08), Milton Malsor SP740553 
 Another way that London Midland get their evening commuter stock back to Bletchley as an alternative to empty coaching stock is to operate a local working. 35246 is seen working the 19.30 Northampton to Milton Keynes service past Milton Malsor. 
 Keywords: 350246 19.30 Northampton-Milton Keynes Central 5K08 Milton Malsor SP740553 London Midland Desiro
350246, 19.30 Northampton-Milton Keynes Central (5K08), Milton Malsor SP740553 
 Another way that London Midland get their evening commuter stock back to Bletchley as an alternative to empty coaching stock is to operate a local working. 35246 is seen working the 19.30 Northampton to Milton Keynes service past Milton Malsor. 
 Keywords: 350246 19.30 Northampton-Milton Keynes Central 5K08 Milton Malsor SP740553 London Midland Desiro

Another way that London Midland get their evening commuter stock

back to Bletchley as an alternative to empty coaching stock is to operate a local working. 35246 is seen working the 19.30 Northampton to Milton Keynes service past Milton Malsor.