Image 156501 & 156462, SR 23.10 Carlisle-Dumfries (2L74, 4E), Carlisle station

156501 & 156462, SR 23.10 Carlisle-Dumfries (2L74, 4E), Carlisle station
156501 & 156462, SR 23.10 Carlisle-Dumfries (2L74, 4E), Carlisle station 
 156501 and 156462 sit at Carlisle's platform seven to work the 23.10 service to Dumfries later in the evening. I love photographing in these sorts of conditions that provide its own challenges making the user use the camera's function creatively. However, the Canon G1x, that is my normal 'go-to' camera had started to play up not writing the images to the card despite my trying an alternative one. It was a good job that I had by 5D Mk. II with me as a backup! 
 Keywords: 156501 156462 23.10 Carlisle-Dumfries 2L74 Carlisle station ScotRail
156501 & 156462, SR 23.10 Carlisle-Dumfries (2L74, 4E), Carlisle station 
 156501 and 156462 sit at Carlisle's platform seven to work the 23.10 service to Dumfries later in the evening. I love photographing in these sorts of conditions that provide its own challenges making the user use the camera's function creatively. However, the Canon G1x, that is my normal 'go-to' camera had started to play up not writing the images to the card despite my trying an alternative one. It was a good job that I had by 5D Mk. II with me as a backup! 
 Keywords: 156501 156462 23.10 Carlisle-Dumfries 2L74 Carlisle station ScotRail

156501 and 156462 sit at Carlisle's platform seven to work

the 23.10 service to Dumfries later in the evening. I love photographing in these sorts of conditions that provide its own challenges making the user use the camera's function creatively. However, the Canon G1x, that is my normal 'go-to' camera had started to play up not writing the images to the card despite my trying an alternative one. It was a good job that I had by 5D Mk. II with me as a backup!