Image Bridge identification, SMJR bridge 149, Towcester

Bridge identification, SMJR bridge 149, Towcester
Bridge identification, SMJR bridge 149, Towcester 
 It appears that Bridge 149 which once crossed the former SMJR line to the east of Towcester is listed somewhere on a Department for Transport data base! This will mean that the structure that now carries just pedestrians and cyclists will undergo some sort of inspection. Let's hope that it is not to be infilled as has been the case recently with those still managed by Network Rail. 
 Keywords: Bridge identification SMJR bridge 149 Towcester
Bridge identification, SMJR bridge 149, Towcester 
 It appears that Bridge 149 which once crossed the former SMJR line to the east of Towcester is listed somewhere on a Department for Transport data base! This will mean that the structure that now carries just pedestrians and cyclists will undergo some sort of inspection. Let's hope that it is not to be infilled as has been the case recently with those still managed by Network Rail. 
 Keywords: Bridge identification SMJR bridge 149 Towcester

It appears that Bridge 149 which once crossed the former

SMJR line to the east of Towcester is listed somewhere on a Department for Transport data base! This will mean that the structure that now carries just pedestrians and cyclists will undergo some sort of inspection. Let's hope that it is not to be infilled as has been the case recently with those still managed by Network Rail.