Image 360111 & 360118, EM 10.10 Corby-London St. Pancras (1H20, 4L), Park Road bridge TL020390

360111 & 360118, EM 10.10 Corby-London St. Pancras (1H20, 4L), Park Road bridge TL020390
360111 & 360118, EM 10.10 Corby-London St. Pancras (1H20, 4L), Park Road bridge TL020390 
 With the sun having dived behind a fast-moving cloud seconds before the 10.10 Corby to St. Pancras service passes Park Road bridge worked by 360111 and 360118 the lighting is not as good as it could be. This location is a quiet one in the Bedfordshire countryside just north of the Ampthill tunnels with the only interruptions, apart from the trains, being the odd dog walker and farm vehicle. 
 Keywords: 360111 360118, EM 10.10 Corby-London St. Pancras 1H20 Park Road bridge TL020390
360111 & 360118, EM 10.10 Corby-London St. Pancras (1H20, 4L), Park Road bridge TL020390 
 With the sun having dived behind a fast-moving cloud seconds before the 10.10 Corby to St. Pancras service passes Park Road bridge worked by 360111 and 360118 the lighting is not as good as it could be. This location is a quiet one in the Bedfordshire countryside just north of the Ampthill tunnels with the only interruptions, apart from the trains, being the odd dog walker and farm vehicle. 
 Keywords: 360111 360118, EM 10.10 Corby-London St. Pancras 1H20 Park Road bridge TL020390

With the sun having dived behind a fast-moving cloud seconds

before the 10.10 Corby to St. Pancras service passes Park Road bridge worked by 360111 and 360118 the lighting is not as good as it could be. This location is a quiet one in the Bedfordshire countryside just north of the Ampthill tunnels with the only interruptions, apart from the trains, being the odd dog walker and farm vehicle.