The Class 255 short-set HSTs (dubbed the Castle sets) wereintroduced by GWR in 2018/19 enabling the second generation DMUs to be withdrawn and/or moved on from the Cardiff-Bristol-Penzance route. The sets were completely rebuilt from the former Mk.III coaches by Wabtec at Doncaster and what a superb job they did. The interiors are quiet, comfortable and well appointed belighing the fact that the basic structure is nearly fifty years old! There are some nice touches such as the proper metal GWR roundel applied to the seat back seen here. I also scanned the QR code seen and it took me straight to a cut-down version of GWR's website hosted by whoosh.media. I used this site to post a positive comment about the guard of our train who gave out excellent and concise information over the train information system regarding our slightly delayed departure form Temple Meads. |