Image 168325 & 168111, CH 11.37 Birmingham Moor Street-London Marylebone (1H29, RT), Clattercote SP455490

168325 & 168111, CH 11.37 Birmingham Moor Street-London Marylebone (1H29, RT), Clattercote SP455490
168325 & 168111, CH 11.37 Birmingham Moor Street-London Marylebone (1H29, RT), Clattercote SP455490 
 The 11.37 Birmingham Moor Street to London Marylebone Chiltern Railways service descends towards Banbury near the village of Claydon located in the very northerly extreme of Oxfordshire close to the Warwickshire and Northamptonshire county boundaries. The train is formed by two Turbo units in the form of 168325 and 168111. The photograph is taken from the security of a gated footpath flat crossing that it was noted was being monitored as two covert hidden cameras had been installed facing both directions across the line. Whilst sensible and measured security and safety on the railways is important this sort of thing goes too far in my opinion and I am pretty sure that a notice regarding the use of monitoring technology should be indicated to members of the public but no signage was present at this site. 
 Keywords: 168325 168111 11.37 Birmingham Moor Street-London Marylebone 1H29 Clattercote SP455490 Chiltern Railways Turbo
168325 & 168111, CH 11.37 Birmingham Moor Street-London Marylebone (1H29, RT), Clattercote SP455490 
 The 11.37 Birmingham Moor Street to London Marylebone Chiltern Railways service descends towards Banbury near the village of Claydon located in the very northerly extreme of Oxfordshire close to the Warwickshire and Northamptonshire county boundaries. The train is formed by two Turbo units in the form of 168325 and 168111. The photograph is taken from the security of a gated footpath flat crossing that it was noted was being monitored as two covert hidden cameras had been installed facing both directions across the line. Whilst sensible and measured security and safety on the railways is important this sort of thing goes too far in my opinion and I am pretty sure that a notice regarding the use of monitoring technology should be indicated to members of the public but no signage was present at this site. 
 Keywords: 168325 168111 11.37 Birmingham Moor Street-London Marylebone 1H29 Clattercote SP455490 Chiltern Railways Turbo

The 11.37 Birmingham Moor Street to London Marylebone Chiltern Railways

service descends towards Banbury near the village of Claydon located in the very northerly extreme of Oxfordshire close to the Warwickshire and Northamptonshire county boundaries. The train is formed by two Turbo units in the form of 168325 and 168111. The photograph is taken from the security of a gated footpath flat crossing that it was noted was being monitored as two covert hidden cameras had been installed facing both directions across the line. Whilst sensible and measured security and safety on the railways is important this sort of thing goes too far in my opinion and I am pretty sure that a notice regarding the use of monitoring technology should be indicated to members of the public but no signage was present at this site.