In the annals of time, it has been lost as to why I visited this location, Skew bridge in Bemerton, took some photographs, and then rode back to Salisbury West Yard to then return to Skew bridge again. Whatever the reasons I did manage this telephoto photograph of 33119 approaching Salisbury with the 1O83 15.14 Bristol to Portsmouth Harbour. However, here presents a bit of a problem with the identification of the locomotive. My contemporary notes have this down as 33113 as opposed to 33119. I suspect it now to be the latter as this was seen earlier working a down Bristol working, see.... https://www.ontheupfast.com/p/21936chg/30035687471/x33119-10-10-portsmouth-harbour-bristol It would have been a whole lot easier if either one of the Class 33s had not been one of the jumper cable equipped 33/1s!