I believe that the esteemed railway photographer and writer O.S.Nock once said that the one rule of railway photography was always to have the camera facing away from the sun. Well, I like breaking the rules and here is a good example and one that has just about worked! Taken against the strong setting sun that was partially obscured by cloud at Blisworth DVT 82139 catches the light as it leads the 16.02 Manchester to Euston LSL relief service operating in connection with the death of the Queen. On the rear of the fine set of Intercity Swallow liveried stock is 90002 ' Wolf of Badenoch' providing the power. It's a shame that in recording the extremely contrasty image the camera did not manage to record any colour in the sky. I could have resorted to some Photoshop jiggery-pokery but resisted the urge to keep it 'as taken.' |