89001 ‘Avocet' sits in the sunshine next to 91117 atBarrow Hill's 150 + 2 open day. Nicknamed the badger (as a slightly tenuous similarity to the creature of the same name due to its steeply sloping front end) 89001 is allegedly close to being back in mainline use having been restored and refurbished by a dedicated group of AC Locomotive Group volunteers. Its story from its introduction back in 1986 is a long and convoluted one that saw it being owned by many operators and is one too long for this page but it would be great to see it hauling trains again. The story of 91117 is far more simple! From its introduction in July 1990, it saw operation on the ECML until withdrawal in 2019 when it was converted to use as a test bed locomotive by Pheonix. Its future is however now uncertain given a lack of work. |