Despite looking directly into the midday sun and thus breaking all the rules in the photographic book a reasonable shot of 66092 has been secured at Bletchley station as it speeds northwards with the daily 6M45 06.37 Dollands Moor to Daventry bottled water train. Photoshop has once again earned its keep with a fair amount of layers and adjustments to get things dramatically better than its original RAW image. At least I managed an image that is more than Andy did standing next to me as he did not notice that his memory card was full until he went to compose the scene as 66092 approached and this was a Class 66 that he needed a photograph of! I did exactly the same last year, see.... https://www.ontheupfast.com/p/21936chg/30019701998/x37884-12-07-derby-rtc-wembley-hs