Image 390046, VT 10.20 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston ECS (5A11, 1L), Victoria bridge

390046, VT 10.20 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston ECS (5A11, 1L), Victoria bridge
390046, VT 10.20 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston ECS (5A11, 1L), Victoria bridge 
 390046 works the 10.20 Manchester to Euston empty stock move past Victoria bridge just south of Roade. Running as 5A11 the Pendolino has run via the Northampton loop rather than going via the Weedon mainline as is fairly common on Sunday mornings. It was one of the last diverted services as just a second or two after this photograph was taken another Pendolino came around the curve on the fast line slowing rapidly as it was going to be held at Hanslope Junction (about two miles south of this location) allowing 390046 to cross over in front of it. I would have thought that an ECS working would have been held allowing the service train to have priority but who am I to question a signaller's decision! 
 Keywords: 390046 10.20 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston ECS 5A11 Victoria bridge Avanti West Coast Pendolino
390046, VT 10.20 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston ECS (5A11, 1L), Victoria bridge 
 390046 works the 10.20 Manchester to Euston empty stock move past Victoria bridge just south of Roade. Running as 5A11 the Pendolino has run via the Northampton loop rather than going via the Weedon mainline as is fairly common on Sunday mornings. It was one of the last diverted services as just a second or two after this photograph was taken another Pendolino came around the curve on the fast line slowing rapidly as it was going to be held at Hanslope Junction (about two miles south of this location) allowing 390046 to cross over in front of it. I would have thought that an ECS working would have been held allowing the service train to have priority but who am I to question a signaller's decision! 
 Keywords: 390046 10.20 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston ECS 5A11 Victoria bridge Avanti West Coast Pendolino

390046 works the 10.20 Manchester to Euston empty stock move

past Victoria bridge just south of Roade. Running as 5A11 the Pendolino has run via the Northampton loop rather than going via the Weedon mainline as is fairly common on Sunday mornings. It was one of the last diverted services as just a second or two after this photograph was taken another Pendolino came around the curve on the fast line slowing rapidly as it was going to be held at Hanslope Junction (about two miles south of this location) allowing 390046 to cross over in front of it. I would have thought that an ECS working would have been held allowing the service train to have priority but who am I to question a signaller's decision!