Vehicle unloading from MV Farringford at Hull Corporation Pier continuesapace under the guidance of the ship's crew. In this view, the driver of the Luton registered Ford Cortina gingerly reverses in order to come forwards and cross the side loading bulwark to join the floating pontoon pier, to then proceeed up the loading ramp and on to dry land. The driver of the locally registered (Hull) Volvo 343 could be next off. Of the two cars, the Volvo only lasted until 1986 outlived by the Cortina which was last on the road in 1989. However, the MV Farringford, from which they are disembarking, was to come out of service a week after this photograph was taken and only lasted for another three years cut up locally at Silcock's Basin in 1984 after a failed attempt to sell it for future use in Scotland. |