The final picture of the thirty-two that made the cut(there were a few that did not make it out of the reject box) from my superb day out with David and Paul shows 50018 'Resolution' getting up to speed at Aller Junction leading the 1B02 14.25 Paddington to Plymouth service. As soon as the train pulls away and clear of the junction it starts the assault on the fearsome Dainton bank so drivers were always keen to get a clear signal on leaving Newton Abbot in order to build up some speed. A class fifty should have plenty of power to haul a mixture of Mk. II stock along with a Mk. I Buffet/Restaraunt and the ubiquitous Mk. I BG tagged on at the rear up and over the gradients of Devon even if the air conditioning fitted to some of the stock would sap some of its power. |