In the bitter wind, with the snow now falling againand with the train running late Andy and I were beginning to get very cold standing on a remote and exposed bridge near the village of Braybrooke at the northern extremity of Northamptonshire. The result of our exploits was this very poor photograph of former LMS Princess Coronation 6223 'Duchess of Sutherland' leading the outward leg of The York Yuletide Express running as 1Z25. Unfortunately, for the passengers who had paid a premium price to travel behind a steam locomotive, their enjoyment was to be terminated a short distance further north at Leicester where 6233 was removed with 47802 brought from the rear to haul the train forward. This left the Duchess to run light engine to Barrow Hill where it was watered, serviced and turned on the triangle rather than the turntable (it was just too big for that). The reason for its removal was not a failure but that the Leicestershire fire service tender that was to replenish its water supply at Humberstone Road was badly delayed. However, passengers aboard only arrived a few minutes adrift at York enabling them to explore the lovely city for a few hours before returning with 6223 once again leading. |