Whilst waiting for my wife to meet me in Sheringham I enjoyed a short time sitting on a bench in the sun next to the rather grand Sheringham East signal box. Also whilst waiting 92203 'Black Prince' arrived at Sheringham's NNR station and then ran round its stock to work the final steam-operated return service of the day back to Holt. This 1906 M&GNJR box signal box is the original structure that was located very close to where it now is having been dismantled and removed by volunteers on the fledgling railway when BR threatened to demolish it back in the early 1970s. The box was reconstructed with no base on the station's platform two as a non-operational exhibit until it was reunited with a new brick base back in this position in 2013. Unfortunately, a few months after its installation it was damaged by a fire that started in a car parked behind it, see..... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-22252923