Image 754403, ECS move, Norwich station

754403, ECS move, Norwich station
754403, ECS move, Norwich station 
 This mysterious little move by 754403 from Crown Point into the yard at Norwich station I was unable to identfy! Normally it would appear to have been a logistics move in order to stable a unit for use later in the day perhaps but in this case, the unit contained a number of orange-clad staff sitting in the leading coach. With its pantograph raised, at least it was not under diesel power from the 'power pack' coach. 
 Keywords: 754403 ECS Norwich station Greater Anglia GA
754403, ECS move, Norwich station 
 This mysterious little move by 754403 from Crown Point into the yard at Norwich station I was unable to identfy! Normally it would appear to have been a logistics move in order to stable a unit for use later in the day perhaps but in this case, the unit contained a number of orange-clad staff sitting in the leading coach. With its pantograph raised, at least it was not under diesel power from the 'power pack' coach. 
 Keywords: 754403 ECS Norwich station Greater Anglia GA

This mysterious little move by 754403 from Crown Point into

the yard at Norwich station I was unable to identfy! Normally it would appear to have been a logistics move in order to stable a unit for use later in the day perhaps but in this case, the unit contained a number of orange-clad staff sitting in the leading coach. With its pantograph raised, at least it was not under diesel power from the 'power pack' coach.