Something that is not seen that often this far southnow but that was more common a few years ago is a Class 92 and even rarer a working pair hauling a non-freight train! 92028 ‘Saint-Saëns’ leads 92038 ‘Voltaire’ through Roade cutting heading the comically titled ‘AC/DC Highway to Hampshire’ ‘private’ charter operated by and for GBRf employees and other invited guests. Unlike many charters with ridiculously early start times, this was far more leisurely leaving Crewe at 11.53 and completing a there-and-back trip to Basingstoke with a brace of the company’s Class 73 taking over from Wembley Yard. Notice that the Class 92s are wearing their Europorte branding as this French company acquired GBRf for an eyewatering £31 back in 2010. |