Image 43172, GW diverted 10.33 London Paddington-Swansea (1B28), Bradford-on-Avon number 2 crossing

43172, GW diverted 10.33 London Paddington-Swansea (1B28), Bradford-on-Avon number 2 crossing
43172, GW diverted 10.33 London Paddington-Swansea (1B28), Bradford-on-Avon number 2 crossing 
 The diverted 10.22 Paddington to Swansea HST service passes along the Avon Valley near to Bradford-on-Avon taken from one of two foot crossings to the west of the town. The HST is being led by power car 43172 one that I have photographed a number of times since its introduction as part of the third tranche of these iconic trains to operate on the northeast to southwest route. 
 Keywords: 43172 diverted 10.33 London Paddington-Swansea 1B28 Bradford-on-Avon First Great Western HST
43172, GW diverted 10.33 London Paddington-Swansea (1B28), Bradford-on-Avon number 2 crossing 
 The diverted 10.22 Paddington to Swansea HST service passes along the Avon Valley near to Bradford-on-Avon taken from one of two foot crossings to the west of the town. The HST is being led by power car 43172 one that I have photographed a number of times since its introduction as part of the third tranche of these iconic trains to operate on the northeast to southwest route. 
 Keywords: 43172 diverted 10.33 London Paddington-Swansea 1B28 Bradford-on-Avon First Great Western HST

The diverted 10.22 Paddington to Swansea HST service passes along

the Avon Valley near to Bradford-on-Avon taken from one of two foot crossings to the west of the town. The HST is being led by power car 43172 one that I have photographed a number of times since its introduction as part of the third tranche of these iconic trains to operate on the northeast to southwest route.