Image 365503, FC 14.55 King's Lyn-London King's Cross (1T01), Cambridge station

365503, FC 14.55 King's Lyn-London King's Cross (1T01), Cambridge station
365503, FC 14.55 King's Lyn-London King's Cross (1T01), Cambridge station 
 With the rather dated and somewhat ugly 1980s styled Tony Carter combined pedestrian and cycle bridge spanning the entire station complex at Cambridge dominating the background 365503 arrives at the station. The First Capital Connect 14.55 King's Lyn to King's Cross service is thirty-eight miles into its one hundred-mile journey at Cambridge. The bridge made the national press last year due to a driver attempting to use it as a short cut, see..... 
 Keywords: 365503 14.55 King's Lyn-London King's Cross 1T01 Cambridge station First Capital Connect FCC Smiler
365503, FC 14.55 King's Lyn-London King's Cross (1T01), Cambridge station 
 With the rather dated and somewhat ugly 1980s styled Tony Carter combined pedestrian and cycle bridge spanning the entire station complex at Cambridge dominating the background 365503 arrives at the station. The First Capital Connect 14.55 King's Lyn to King's Cross service is thirty-eight miles into its one hundred-mile journey at Cambridge. The bridge made the national press last year due to a driver attempting to use it as a short cut, see..... 
 Keywords: 365503 14.55 King's Lyn-London King's Cross 1T01 Cambridge station First Capital Connect FCC Smiler

With the rather dated and somewhat ugly 1980s styled Tony Carter combined pedestrian and cycle bridge spanning the entire station complex at Cambridge dominating the background 365503 arrives at the station. The First Capital Connect 14.55 King's Lyn to King's Cross service is thirty-eight miles into its one hundred-mile journey at Cambridge. The bridge made the national press last year due to a driver attempting to use it as a short cut, see.....