66092 is seen under threatening skies passing Stainforth wearing its original 'as delivered' livery. It is amazing that despite being in operation for twenty-two years that it still in its EWS livery complete with the three beasts logo on the cab side given that the company was taken over by DB way back in June 2007! The Class 66 is hauling the 4R53 14.33 Drax power station to Immingham biomass empties. On arrival, the converted coal wagons will be loaded with more imported North American biomass pellets for delivery to the nearby power station to keep its furnaces burning. In this view, the former Hatfield Colliery is seen. Despite the mine now being closed and the shafts backfilled the two headstocks remain in place. They will continue to stand as a reminder to the local area's proud industrial heritage as they are both now Grade II listed, see.... https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1430590 The recently planted slope in the middle distance behind the train marks the spot where a huge slump of material took place in February 2013. Approximately 1,000,000 cubic metres of mudstone slipped and engulfed the quadruple tracks necessitating a huge clear-up and total reconstruction of the line that took some six months to complete.