Image 390157, VT 08.05 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston (1A02), Roade cutting

390157, VT 08.05 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston (1A02), Roade cutting
390157, VT 08.05 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston (1A02), Roade cutting 
 390157 (the last of the class) 'Chad Varah' passes through Roade cutting with Virgin's 1A02 the 08.05 Manchester to Euston service. This is the first up Manchester express on a Sunday getting passengers to the capital in just about two hours. 
 Keywords: 390157 08.05 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston 1A02 Roade cutting Virgin West Coast Pendolino Chad Varah
390157, VT 08.05 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston (1A02), Roade cutting 
 390157 (the last of the class) 'Chad Varah' passes through Roade cutting with Virgin's 1A02 the 08.05 Manchester to Euston service. This is the first up Manchester express on a Sunday getting passengers to the capital in just about two hours. 
 Keywords: 390157 08.05 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston 1A02 Roade cutting Virgin West Coast Pendolino Chad Varah

390157 (the last of the class) 'Chad Varah' passes through

Roade cutting with Virgin's 1A02 the 08.05 Manchester to Euston service. This is the first up Manchester express on a Sunday getting passengers to the capital in just about two hours.