Image 350123, LM 14.13 London Euston-Birmingham New Street (1Y45), Roade cutting

350123, LM 14.13 London Euston-Birmingham New Street (1Y45), Roade cutting
350123, LM 14.13 London Euston-Birmingham New Street (1Y45), Roade cutting 
 350123 works the 14.13 Euston to Birmingham New Street Saturday afternoon service through Roade cutting. Not content with sixty-seven sets (divided into two subsets, 3501XX and 3502XX) London Midland are about to introduce a further ten of these highly successful units to be designated 3503XX. This is, of course, in addition to TransPennine Express currently introducing ten of their own designated 3504XX for use on their Anglo Scottish services, see..... 
 Keywords: 350123 14.13 London Euston-Birmingham New Street 1Y45 Roade cutting London Midland Desiro
350123, LM 14.13 London Euston-Birmingham New Street (1Y45), Roade cutting 
 350123 works the 14.13 Euston to Birmingham New Street Saturday afternoon service through Roade cutting. Not content with sixty-seven sets (divided into two subsets, 3501XX and 3502XX) London Midland are about to introduce a further ten of these highly successful units to be designated 3503XX. This is, of course, in addition to TransPennine Express currently introducing ten of their own designated 3504XX for use on their Anglo Scottish services, see..... 
 Keywords: 350123 14.13 London Euston-Birmingham New Street 1Y45 Roade cutting London Midland Desiro

350123 works the 14.13 Euston to Birmingham New Street Saturday afternoon service through Roade cutting. Not content with sixty-seven sets (divided into two subsets, 3501XX and 3502XX) London Midland are about to introduce a further ten of these highly successful units to be designated 3503XX. This is, of course, in addition to TransPennine Express currently introducing ten of their own designated 3504XX for use on their Anglo Scottish services, see.....