Image 390008, VT 13.15 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston, Roade cutting

390008, VT 13.15 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston, Roade cutting
390008, VT 13.15 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston, Roade cutting 
 390008 'Virgin King' powers through Roade cutting catching some summer sun working the 13.15 Manchester to Euston service. 
 Keywords: 390008 13.15 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston, Roade cutting Virgin Pendolino Virgin King
390008, VT 13.15 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston, Roade cutting 
 390008 'Virgin King' powers through Roade cutting catching some summer sun working the 13.15 Manchester to Euston service. 
 Keywords: 390008 13.15 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston, Roade cutting Virgin Pendolino Virgin King

390008 'Virgin King' powers through Roade cutting catching some summer

sun working the 13.15 Manchester to Euston service.