Image 801216 GR 09.59 Peterborough-York (1N81, RT) & 195008, NT 12.10 York-Blackpool North Carr MPD (3Z21, 1L), York station

801216 GR 09.59 Peterborough-York (1N81, RT) & 195008, NT 12.10 York-Blackpool North Carr MPD (3Z21, 1L), York station
801216 GR 09.59 Peterborough-York (1N81, RT) & 195008, NT 12.10 York-Blackpool North Carr MPD (3Z21, 1L), York station 
 The new faces of York station! We had just arrived aboard 801216 that had terminated as the 1N81 09.59 from Kings Cross. This was my first trip on an Azuma finding it a fast accelerating train but with the much-criticised hard seating spoiling the ride. To the right of the Azuma is a Northern Civity number 195008 that will work the 12.10 service to Blackpool North that, interestingly is actually scheduled to terminate at the town's North Carr depot after a reversal at the station. 
 Keywords: 801216 09.59 Peterborough-York 1N81 195008 12.10 York-Blackpool North Carr MPD 3Z21 York station LNER Azuma Northern CAF Civity
801216 GR 09.59 Peterborough-York (1N81, RT) & 195008, NT 12.10 York-Blackpool North Carr MPD (3Z21, 1L), York station 
 The new faces of York station! We had just arrived aboard 801216 that had terminated as the 1N81 09.59 from Kings Cross. This was my first trip on an Azuma finding it a fast accelerating train but with the much-criticised hard seating spoiling the ride. To the right of the Azuma is a Northern Civity number 195008 that will work the 12.10 service to Blackpool North that, interestingly is actually scheduled to terminate at the town's North Carr depot after a reversal at the station. 
 Keywords: 801216 09.59 Peterborough-York 1N81 195008 12.10 York-Blackpool North Carr MPD 3Z21 York station LNER Azuma Northern CAF Civity

The new faces of York station! We had just arrived

aboard 801216 that had terminated as the 1N81 09.59 from Kings Cross. This was my first trip on an Azuma finding it a fast accelerating train but with the much-criticised hard seating spoiling the ride. To the right of the Azuma is a Northern Civity number 195008 that will work the 12.10 service to Blackpool North that, interestingly is actually scheduled to terminate at the town's North Carr depot after a reversal at the station.