The 6B92 09.15 Tunstead to Northampton Castle Yard is atrain that I have rarely photographed. Even more unusually, I have never seen it off-route as seen here passing Bird's Lane bridge (near Bugbrooke) on the Weedon loop heading south of its destination as far as Bletchley. 66742 'ABP Port of Immingham Centenary 1912-2012' is leading the train that, once it arrives at Bletchley, will run round the train to then head north again to Northampton. All these shenanigans were due to the closure of Crick tunnel near DIRFT for much-needed drainage work. It's nice to see a smart GBRf locomotive with a matching set of equally smart JNA-T open wagons that seem to have evaded the worst ravages of the graffiti vandals. |