Image 222018, EM 08.30 London St. Pancras-Nottingham (1D14) & 222104, EM 08.49 Sheffield-London St. Pancras (1C27), Leicester station

222018, EM 08.30 London St. Pancras-Nottingham (1D14) & 222104, EM 08.49 Sheffield-London St. Pancras (1C27), Leicester station
222018, EM 08.30 London St. Pancras-Nottingham (1D14) & 222104, EM 08.49 Sheffield-London St. Pancras (1C27), Leicester station 
 Leicester station (formally Known as 'Midland') is a shadow of its former self. It once boasted an overall roof and station buildings all designed by the renowned architect Charles Trubshaw who did a lot of work for the Midland Railway. This was all swept away, save for the grand frontage on London Road, by BR in 1978 when it was replaced by this rather utilitarian structure that remains very much of its time. As 222018 leaves with the 08.30 St. Pancras to Nottingham, 222104 arrives with the 08.49 Sheffield to London service. 
 Keywords: 222018 08.30 London St. Pancras-Nottingham 1D14 222104 08.49 Sheffield-London St. Pancras 1C27 Leicester station EMT East Midlands Trains Meridian
222018, EM 08.30 London St. Pancras-Nottingham (1D14) & 222104, EM 08.49 Sheffield-London St. Pancras (1C27), Leicester station 
 Leicester station (formally Known as 'Midland') is a shadow of its former self. It once boasted an overall roof and station buildings all designed by the renowned architect Charles Trubshaw who did a lot of work for the Midland Railway. This was all swept away, save for the grand frontage on London Road, by BR in 1978 when it was replaced by this rather utilitarian structure that remains very much of its time. As 222018 leaves with the 08.30 St. Pancras to Nottingham, 222104 arrives with the 08.49 Sheffield to London service. 
 Keywords: 222018 08.30 London St. Pancras-Nottingham 1D14 222104 08.49 Sheffield-London St. Pancras 1C27 Leicester station EMT East Midlands Trains Meridian

Leicester station (formally Known as 'Midland') is a shadow of

its former self. It once boasted an overall roof and station buildings all designed by the renowned architect Charles Trubshaw who did a lot of work for the Midland Railway. This was all swept away, save for the grand frontage on London Road, by BR in 1978 when it was replaced by this rather utilitarian structure that remains very much of its time. As 222018 leaves with the 08.30 St. Pancras to Nottingham, 222104 arrives with the 08.49 Sheffield to London service.